UW-Madison Standard Non-Disclosure Agreement: Agreement used to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information that needs to be evaluated by the other party, whether that information is being shared by the investigator, with a potential sponsor or by a sponsor with the investigator.
UBMTA general information: Can be used by educational or non-profit organizations.
UBMTA implementing letter template: Document needed to transfer research materials between institutions that are uniform biological materials transfer agreement signatories.
UBMTA signatories list: List of all institutions that are signatories of the uniform biological materials transfer agreement.
UW-Madison Standard Research Agreement: This is a sample of UW-Madison’ s standard research agreement, to be used for review only. Also see Forms on RSP website.
UW-Madison Office of Legal Affairs Contract Approval Cover Sheet: This Cover Sheet must be completed for any contracts routed through UW Madison Office of Legal Affairs for signature by the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration or Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Services. Forward this Cover Sheet with the contract requiring signature to: caroline.marks@wisc.edu.
UW-Madison SMPH Non-Accredited Commercially Sponsored Training and Professional Development Events: SMPH clinical departments and centers receive funding and materials from private industry, including pharmaceutical and medical device companies, for educational/professional development activities both on and off campus. Typically, the structure and content of the activity are left to the discretion of the department/center or faculty/staff member (PI) affiliated with the activity. Often, these activities are not accredited, so the Office of Continuing Professional Development is not involved, and content is not formally reviewed for compliance with accreditation standards. Instead, the funding or in-kind support agreements are sent through the office of the assistant dean for academic accreditation, policies, and operations for review, negotiation, and processing for signature. Occasionally, the contract or description of the activities will have potential red flags that may require higher-level review. Below are two documents associated with review and processing of the events: