Current salary information
Salary rates for faculty, academic staff and other unclassified positions are maintained by the UW-Madison Office of Human Resources (OHR) and can be found here, Human Resources – UW-Madison.
You can find frequently-used rate information on the Human Resources Pay – Human Resources – UW-Madison page.
Salary Budgeting Tips
- Use up to 3% for salary increases in multiple year budgets. You can escalate each year or use the escalation and keep each year flat salary. Sponsors require that accurate projection rates are utilized.
- NIH policy
- Consider any staff adjustments/promotions when budgeting, particularly on continuing grants with ongoing personnel. You may need to contact payroll for anticipated salary changes.
- Use 1% for fringe benefits increases in multiple year budgets.
Salary Resources
- Maximum appointments for graduate assistants policy
- NIH NRSA Stipend Levels Stipend levels can be found on the RSP website under related Links on the left sidebar: F&A and Fringe Benefit Rates | Research and Sponsored Programs (