Confidentiality agreements (CDAs) or non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are used to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information that needs to be evaluated by the other party, whether that information is being shared by the investigator with a potential sponsor or by a sponsor with the investigator.
- Whenever possible, use the CDA form through the Office of Reseach and Sponsored Programs.
- If a collaborator provides their own CDA/NDA, the agreement must be reviewed and possibly negotiated by UW-Madison. In such cases, obtain a copy of the agreement (preferably Microsoft Word format), create a WISPER record, attach the agreement and any other relevant documents to the Attachments tab, and route the record to the SMPH Research Division for review.
- All CDAs/NDAs should be routed to the SMPH Research Division via WISPER; they are then submitted by SMPH for signature by RSP.
- CDAs/NDAs are limited to confidential exchange of information between UW and a collaborator. Any research agreements or other projects that emerge from subsequent discussions should be outlined in a supplemental agreement.