Fiscal Transactions

Payroll Entries

Payroll funding entries are entered into a system called HRS (Human Resource System).

How to Get Access to HRS

An email from your supervisor should be sent to to obtain access to the HRS system.

Help & General Questions

Faye Wright is the divisional contact for payroll entry and is the first point of contact for any funding issues.

How to Fix an Error

When an error has occurred in entering funding in HRS, do not use the “Correct” button. Please contact Faye Wright for assistance.

Payment to UW Staff

Reach out to your department assigned HR partner to help facilitate payment.

Resource for HRS Training

Please see HRS Fund Loading Instructions in forms page (forthcoming)

Outgoing Payments

Internal and External Vendors

  • Shop@UW+ is the campus system to purchase with internal and external vendors. All UW employees have access to the Shopper role to create and submit carts for purchasing. Each department will have staff setup as Requesters to approve these purchases. Requester roles are granted by emailing Heather Richter with supervisor approval for setup. More information on using Shop@UW+ can be found here
  • Internal vendors, or catalog vendors, are contracted with the UW and have vendor profiles available on Shop@UW+. Purchases under $300 are automatically approved unless shipped to a non-UW address, and all other orders are approved by the divisional business office for processing within two business days.
  • Direct Payments (DP) — Use this method of payment when a payment is under $5,000, is paying an external vendor, and a P-card is not viable. Sent as a check to the payee. Form available in Shop@UW+.
  • Payment to Individual Report (PIR) — Use this method of payment when paying an external individual for services provided or research participant, and payment is under $5,000. Sent as a check to the payee. Form available in Shop@UW+.
  • External Requisitions — An external requisition is created for purchases over $5,000.00, or if the vendor requires a purchase order. Expenses over $5,000.00 are subject to the simplified bidding process and require further documentation for approval. Further information on the simplified bid process can be found here.
  • Standing Order (formerly a Blanket Order) — Standing Orders are purchase orders setup at an encumbered amount that vendors can directly bill routine expenses to (most common with service related charges). These cannot exceed one year in length and must end at the end of each fiscal year.
  • Purchasing Card (P-Card) — A university issued credit card to make best judgment purchases not available through Shop@UW+. Available as an individual card to only be used by the cardholder, or as a department card which can be checked out by a card custodian.
    • New cardholders must complete the campus required Purchasing Card Training and apply for a card via the Shared Financial System (SFS).
    • Please note that a Department Purchasing Card requires the same training but is listed under the regular Purchasing Card as a fillable PDF. Please email this with departmental approval to Heather Richter for processing. Once approved, campus will email a unique Department Purchasing Card training link to the new cardholder that must be completed.
    • A site manager is required within a department to allocate P-card expenses. Site Manager Training must be completed and a Site Manager Agreement Form with departmental approval submitted to Jay Beiser for setup.
    • Any changes to a P-card should be done on the Account Update Request Form and emailed to Jay Beiser for processing.

Payments to Students

  • Payments to students (scholarships, welcome checks, awards, etc.) are made via the UW Bursar’s office. Further information on this process is in the Bursar’s Office Webpage. For any immediate questions, please contact Faye Wright.

Gifts and Incoming Funds

What is a Gift?

Gifts are funds received by departments that are to be deposited to the UW in a gift (233) project or University of Wisconsin Foundation (UWF). These are usually received by check and are deposited with a Gift Deposit Routing Form (GRF) to the appropriate UW project or a Check Deposit Form to UWF.

How to Set Up a Gift Deposit Routing Form or Check Request

A GRF can be generated through the Business Services link found here. A UWF Check Deposit Form can be generated in UWF’s Advancement Hub.

How to Route a Check, Cash, or Gift in Kind Received

  • In addition to gifts, a check may be received for department revenue or as a refund of expenses.
  • Please review SMPH Fiscal’s Check & Gift Deposit Process for all check & gift types and how they are processed.

How to Change 233 Project Edits

UW Foundation access and training

UW Foundation Advancement Hub access is set up with approval from the SMPH Divisional Office. Please email Heather Richter with supervisor approval to obtain access.

System Access and Signature Authority

Signature Authority is the process for department financial staff to be authorized to sign various financial documents for processing. Please review SMPH Fiscal’s Department Signature Authority procedure to be setup with signature authority in your department.

System Access (Not listed in any categories above)

Contact information for Transactions Team is available on the Contact Us page.

  • WISER (send to Heather Richter)
  • Assetworks (send to Pat Timmerman)
  • HRS Access (send request to
  • UW Foundation Access (send request to Heather Richter)
  • 90 Day Account Exception Plans (send to Heather Richter)

Travel and Expense Reimbursements

  • SMPH reimburses travelers for expenses incurred while traveling on university business. There is no required training in order to submit an expense report, but travelers must be familiar with university travel policy. Lack of policy awareness is not a justification for exceptions per campus guidelines.
  • Departments must have an approver to approve their department’s expense report. A site manager approver form must be sent to Carla Fischer in order to be set up as an approver, in addition to completing mandatory campus expense reimbursement approver training.
  • Travel Guidance Tool — A comprehensive guide to help UW-funded travelers understand policies and prepare for reimbursement.
    • UWH-funded travel guidance coming soon

UW Foundation Transfers, Payments, and Reinvestment

All documentation generated for UWF transfers (Check Requests, Accounting Transfers, Reinvestment Requests) is done through WFAA’s Gift and Fund Management website. To obtain access, please reach out to Heather Richter with supervisor approval and department range for setup.

UWF Transfers to 233

Gift Deposit Routing Forms and Check Requests are generated by the department and submitted to the SMPH divisional fiscal office for approval and processing. These are to move funds to UWF-sponsored 233 accounts. Please reference the submission process below.

UWF Payment to vendors

UWF funds can be used to pay invoices for non-allowable costs on UW funding sources (ex. Alcohol and bar services). A Check Request is generated and routed with payment information (invoice, agenda, attendee list, etc.) to the SMPH divisional fiscal office for approval and processing. Please reference the submission process below.

Accounting Transfers

A request to move funds between UWF accounts is submitted utilizing an Accounting Transfer request. This is submitted to the SMPH divisional office for approval and processing. Please reference the submission process below.

Reinvestment Requests

Reinvestment Requests are done to move funds within a UWF account (ex. Expendable cash is put back into an endowment to generate more funds). Several accounts have different types of restrictions on reinvestment, so please be sure to work with UWF staff on allowability before submission. The reinvestment request is routed to the SMPH divisional fiscal office for approval and processing. Please reference the submission process below. 

Email for current submission process instructions