We are working with Sonicu to streamline the process for requesting service directly with Sonicu, with SMPH Facilities monitoring the request. Until that is implemented fully, you can submit an SMPH Facilities request for support.
- Visit the SMPH Facilities webpage: Maintenance – SMPH Intranet – UW–Madison (wisc.edu)
- Click on the “SMPH FACILITIES WORK ORDERS” hyperlink.
- Fill out the required information in the work order form, including details about the issue and your contact information.
- Submit the form.
Sonicu Guidelines
Sonicu Freezer Temperature Monitoring System
Due to significant growth (we now support more than 575 points and are scheduled to add about 100 more points shortly with a growing geographical support footprint), we will be implementing an annual support charge for each temperature monitoring point effective 10/1/2024.
This fee will help us maintain the high level of service you have come to expect, including:
- Continuous monitoring and alerts
- Data analysis and reporting
- System maintenance and updates
- Technical support
We understand this change may impact your budget, and we apologize for any inconvenience. This fee is necessary to ensure our system’s continued reliability and effectiveness.
For freezer installations by an SMPH department or center:
Future installation of individual monitoring points will cost $465, and all existing and new points will be subject to an annual support fee of $200 per point. Suppose your freezer was recently installed, and you paid a more significant installation fee. In that case, we will work with you individually to ensure a fair application of the fees you paid against future payments due.
For freezers that do not belong to SMPH departments:
Since you will be purchasing your equipment directly from Sonicu, there will be an installation-only charge of $150 for each monitoring point and an annual support fee of $200 per point.
For freezers located in the WIMR Freezer Farm:
Since your freezer is part of the freezer farm, you have been on a fee schedule different from that of other freezer owners. Your annual charge, which covers the cost of temperature monitoring and environmental upkeep, will remain unchanged at $485 per year
We reserve the right to adjust these fees in the future if the contract renewal requires us to do so. We value your continued partnership and appreciate your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket as described above.
Sonicu Freezer Alarm System Information Page
To Login to the SMPH Sonicu Freezer Alarm System, click the following link (Sonicu.com). Select the Login link at the top right to go to the login page.
- For the first time logging in, select the ‘Need to be reminded of your “password”‘ to reset or setup your password for the first time.

Sonicu Mobile App for Apple & Android
You can download this app from the Play Store or the App Store and monitor your freezers from anywhere in the world. You will need to setup your password on the computer before you can login to the app.