RAMP Key Activities
Request an Ancillary Review
Requesting an ancillary review in RAMP asks for a review of a record by another user without transferring ownership of the record to them. When an ancillary review is requested, an email notification is sent to the approver and the record will appear in the approver’s My Reviews tab on the user’s main dashboard. The approver will have view-only access to the record. Multiple ancillary reviews can be sent and completed concurrently. Common types of ancillary reviews include Division Budget Review, Additional Department Review, Chair Approval, and Multi-PI Certification.
On the project workspace page, choose Manage Ancillary Reviews, and in the window, select Add. See a short video tutorial here: https://vimeopro.com/user43881429/grants-105-funding-proposal/video/467477537
Having trouble finding SMPH Dean’s Office Research Division when sending an ancillary review? Click here:
Submit to Department Review
Submit to Department Review is essentially the old “Routing” in WISPER. Make sure you have obtained all appropriate Ancillary Reviews (Division Budget Review or Dean/Division Signoff or Other) before sending a record for Department Review. Submitting for Department Review should be reserved for when you are done with a record and ready for SMPH/RSP to complete final processing.
Respond to (Submit) an Ancillary Review
To respond to an ancillary review request:
- Log into RAMP
- You can follow the link from the email sent to you or locate the record in the My Reviews or My Inbox tab
- Open the record, and review it as appropriate
- From the project workspace, select Submit Ancillary Review from the left menu, and a pop-up box will open.
- Click the check box next to the approval in question 1; it will show the type of approval and the date it was sent.
- Select Yes or No to accept the agreement in question 2.
- In question 3, select Yes or No to whether the ancillary review is complete. Select Yes to submit the ancillary review when you OK the form. Note that if you do not have Read or Edit rights on the project, you will no longer have access to it. If you select No, this will allow you to save your response but continue the review later. If No, the Submit Ancillary Review activity will continue to stay in your workspace.
- Provide Comments in the box and/or add supporting documents if appropriate. Then click OK. This submits the ancillary review and the record will no longer be in your workspace.
Certify a RAMP record
In most cases, PIs are required to verify the information provided in the record prior to submitting the record to SMPH/RSP. The PI must certify all Funding Proposals
Please see the link to the Job Aid for PI certification.
Multi-PI Certification
Please see the link to the Job Aid for Multi-PI Certification.
Unlike WISPER, only one PI can certify a RAMP record. If there are multiple PIs on a Funding Proposal, each internal PI must approve a Mult-PI Certification Ancillary review, by following the steps in the job aid above.
RAMP reference guides
Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) offers many reference guides addressing individual RAMP tasks. Guides particularly useful to PIs are listed below; all guides are available from RSP’s RAMP portal page. Videos are also available for many key topics.
- Logging in and Navigating Within RAMP
- Adding a Comment, Sending an Email and Initiating an Ancillary Review
- Checking the Progress of an Ancillary Review
- Searching and Sorting RAMP Records
- Grants Module – Funding Proposals (SmartForms, Budgets, SF424, JIT, etc.)
- Agreements Module
- Grants and Agreements Module – Clinical Trials
Additional RAMP resources
Current RAMP information, including updates, training session schedules, reference guides, FAQS, and learning videos are available from RSP’s RAMP portal page.
For assistance with entering/routing proposals, requesting approvals, and other RAMP tasks, contact your department research administrator or your SMPH Dean’s Office Research Division team.