SMPH In the Know
In the Know is an e-newsletter sent to all School of Medicine and Public Health employees two times a week. Anyone with a personnel appointment in SMPH receives this newsletter (e.g., faculty, adjunct faculty, staff, trainees such as postdocs, residents, fellows, and graduate students who have research assistant or teaching assistant appointments with SMPH, and student hourly workers). Students who do not have a paid or honorary appointee relationship with the school do not receive In the Know.
Submissions of news appropriate for an all-employee audience are welcome and can be submitted using this form.
View SMPH In the Know Quick Link archives
Examples of suitable content include:
- Resources that are useful for all or most employees in the school
- National or international awards
- Schoolwide events
- Faculty development opportunities
- Education and research news
Announcements or information applicable to a limited subset of SMPH faculty and staff will be declined. The newsletter generally will not include recurring event announcements (e.g., weekly seminar series or grand rounds), listings of new publications, departmental awards, conference presentations, and general profiles of faculty and staff.
All submissions will be reviewed by the SMPH Office of Strategic Communication.
UW Health Email Briefings
UW Health personnel receive the Weekly Briefing, with featured news, a clinical corner, recognitions and key news. Content links to U-Connect.
Need help with an email address?
Contact SMPH Shared Services IT at for general email help.