In the Know is an internal publication from the SMPH Office of Strategic Communications that is currently published two times a week on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. It communicates top-of-mind news for the SMPH community, including all faculty, staff, and students.
Members of the SMPH community with important news and information broadly relevant for the school community (faculty, staff, students) can submit it to the form below. Submission does not guarantee inclusion. News is evaluated and may be edited for length and clarity. The requested publish date may be changed due to limited space. Job openings in SMPH will only be published in In the Know if the position is limited to internal candidates, or for leadership recruitments (e.g., department chairs) conducted by the Dean’s office.
This form is for submitting news items; the popular Shout-outs to recognize and thank colleagues is a separate form.
News submission best practices
- Submit the form below for each time you wish a blurb to run.
- Submit events to publish 10-14 days before they occur.
- Besides those hosted by the Dean’s Office, events will receive one initial post and one reminder. Submit each separately.
- If you have multiple related news items, one option is to summarize them into a single blurb.