SMPH Research Professor Track Appointments and Promotion Committee (RPTAPC)


The Research Professor Track Appointments and Promotion Committee reviews and advises the Dean on recommendations for appointments and promotions to Associate or Professor rank on the Research Professor track.


Any UW School of Medicine and Public Health faculty member with a 50% or greater appointment on the tenure track, or senior rank faculty on the Research Professor track, may serve on this committee. Committee members are elected through the SMPH school wide election.


This committee meets on an ad-hoc basis as new appointments and promotions arise, as this is a relatively new faculty track that does not have an abundance of positions.

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Member and Chair Terms

  • Member Term Length: Three (3) years
  • Committee members are selected by a school wide faculty election where there is a vacant seat. Department chairs will nominate faculty to serve as candidates in the school wide election. Self-nominations are also allowed with approval of the candidate’s chair. Members will generally serve one three-year term and then rotate off the committee to encourage the opportunity for broad participation across the faculty. Members should typically be off the committee for a minimum of one year before serving again.
  • Vice-Chair and Chair Term Length: Chairs and vice-chairs are appointed by the dean and are typically selected from the committee members who have served at least one year on the committee. The individual will serve one (1) year as vice-chair and then one (1) year as chair. The chair rotates off the committee at the end of their
  • The goal is to have approximately one-third (1/3) of the committee members rotate off the committee each year. This allows for continuity while the new members get acclimated, and so that the committee is not mostly staffed by inexperienced members at any one

The election rotation scenarios are illustrated below:

Current Year Following Year Following Year
Chairs Chairs Chairs
Year 1 Member
Year 2 Vice-Chair Member
Year 3 Chair Vice-Chair Member
Year 4 Chair Vice-Chair
Year 5 Chair

*One-third (1/3) of committee members rotate off the committee each year.

Procedure to Select New Committee Members

New committee members will be selected through the standard SMPH school wide election process.

Terms and Procedure to Select Committee Chairs and Vice-Chairs

  • At the end of the promotions season, the SMPH Faculty Promotions Coordinator (FPC) seeks input from the current committee chair and vice-chair, for identifying possible committee members to serve as the next vice-chair and then
  • FPC forwards the names of the committee members identified to be strong vice- chair/chair candidates to the dean for input. The dean may select one of the nominees or select another member of the committee to
  • Once the potential candidate has been identified, the FPC will contact the nominee to get their agreement to accept this role on the committee, explaining this is a commitment to be vice-chair for one year, and then chair for one
  • FPC obtains the dean’s signature and sends/collects/files the signed
  • After serving a one-year term as vice-chair, committee member becomes the chair for the next

In the event the potential candidate declines the invitation to serve as vice-chair/ chair, the process will start over.