- SMPH Protocol Lookup System (PLuS) Access Request Form (pdf): Used to gain access to the Graduate School’s Protocol Lookup System. PLuS is intended for administrators who have wide-ranging needs for protocol status information.
Animal use
- American Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences (AALAS): Professional organization for researchers and technicians involved in laboratory animal science
- Animal Welfare Act: Full text of the act, legislative history and quick reference guides
- AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia: American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) standards for animal euthanasia
- ILAR Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, 8th ed.: Guide published by the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) and adopted by OLAW and AAALAC
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) resource site: Information resource for members and staff of institutional animal care and use committees
- NIH Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS) fact sheet: Quick reference guide/checklist for completing an NIH Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS), from OLAW
- NIH Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS) instructions: Complete instructions for completing the Vertebrate Animal Section (VAS) of an NIH grant proposal
- OLAW Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
- RARC all-campus animal program policies: Complete list of animal policies that apply to all UW-Madison schools/colleges
- RARC animal protocol tips: Guidelines for completing and submitting an animal protocol
- RARC forms: Collection of all RARC forms, including protocol and Wildlife Waiver forms
- RARC training program: Course info and registration; access to online courses
- UW-Madison Animal Care and Use Committees: Info on structure/function of UW-Madison’s Animal Care and Use Committees
- UW-Madison program veterinarian contacts (login required)
- UW-Madison Researcher’s Guide to Animal Care and Use: Complete guide to animal use practices and protocols.
- Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 5th Edition: CDC biosafety guidebook
- Biosafety protocol instructions and forms: OBS biosafety protocol instructions and forms
- CDC regulation of select agents and toxins: Information on the regulation of select agents, from the Centers for Disease Control website
- CITI training website: Login page for the Graduate School’s CITI online training website (requires valid NetID)
- First report of exposure/release form: Online form for reporting potential exposures to or releases of organisms/biological toxins
- Guidelines for handling pathogenic microorganisms and disposing biohazardous waste: OBS waste disposal guidebook
- OBS general biosafety information: Overview of biosafety guidelines and resources by topic
- USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS): Information on regulations and permits for import/export and transport of exotic plants, animals, and microbes (e.g., nonindigenous plants or insect pathogens, or biological control agents)
- UW-Madison Office of Biological Safety (OBS)
- UW-Madison Select Agent Program: Forms, links and training information for researchers using select agents
Human subjects
- 103 payments to research participants: The purpose of this policy and the following procedures is to outline the payment mechanisms that can be used to make payments to human subjects participating in research studies and to determine when gathering of research participant tax information is required
- ARROW login: Login page for Health Sciences IRB protocol submission tool
- CITI training website: Login page for the Graduate School’s CITI online training website (requires valid NetID)
- Graduate School Human Research Protection Program
- Health Sciences and Health Sciences Minimal Risk IRB
- Human subjects PI request form: Form needed when an academic staff member serves as PI on a human subjects research protocol. Must be submitted prior to protocol application.
- Human subjects protection training instructions: Step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing online Human Subjects training via CITI
- Social and Behavioral Sciences and Education Research IRB
- Webkit login: Login page for Social and Behavioral Sciences/Education Research IRB protocol submission tool
Stem Cells
- CITI training instructions: Step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing online stem cell ethics and policy training via CITI
- National Academies Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Ethical standards guide for stem cell research (with 2010 amendments)
- NIH stem cell information: NIH resource for stem cell research information and policy
- NIH stem cell registry: List of stem cell lines eligible for use in NIH-funded research
- Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committee: Stem Cell Research Oversight (SCRO) Committee section of the Graduate School website
- National Academies Forum on Regenerative Medicine: Information and reports about activities related to stem cell research at the National Academies
- UW-Madison hESC Registry: UW-Madison hESC lines currently approved by the SCRO committee
- UW-Madison Policy for Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research
- UW-Madison Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Center (SCRMC)
- Webkit login: Login page for Social and Behavioral Sciences/Education Research IRB protocol submission tool
- WiCell: WiCell distributes UW-Madison’s hPSC lines and negotiates agreements for obtaining hPSC lines from WiCell and the National Stem Cell Bank