You are the shield: Additional cybersecurity controls to access UW Health systems and resources forthcoming

Below is a message from UW Health for SMPH employees who access UW Health systems. SMPH employees who do not access UW Health systems can disregard.

Cybersecurity attacks on hospitals and universities are on the rise.

Recently, fourteen hospitals and universities in the United States were targeted by a cybercrime group known as Killnet. Killnet’s current strategy is to attack facilities’ public facing websites and digital resources, potentially impacting patient access to healthcare information or tarnishing an organization’s reputation. There are concerns these attacks could pivot and these cyber criminals may start targeting hospital network infrastructure.

In response to these types of threats, UW Health will be placing extra security controls on their networks in the coming months. You can expect additional details to be provided as changes are announced, via In the Know and individual department communications as necessary.

At minimum, SMPH employees should enroll in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) if they need to access UW Health systems:

MFA is a login method for accessing systems from outside of UW Health’s network that allows you to provide two or more ways of proving your identity.

Enroll in UW Health MFA
(requires U-Connect access)

NOTE: UW Health’s MFA solution is different and separate from UW–Madison’s MFA solution. If you do not enroll in UW Health’s MFA program, you will be unable to access log into UW Health’s network resources.

What’s in it for me?

Not only will enrolling in UW Health’s MFA program allow you to access UW Health’s network resources remotely, but it also gives you the ability to use a Self-Service Password Reset tool. This tool lets you skip the wait times for the UW Health Service Desk and allows you to reset your password and manage other common account issues on your own.