Faculty Services

The following message was sent to all clinical care providers on Aug. 12, 2024. It requires action. It is not a spam message.

Subject: Action Required: Password Change Required on DSPS LicensE Account

  • This message is for: Providers holding a Wisconsin Professional License
  • Purpose: To call your attention to emails DSPS sent regarding an upgrade in their LicensE platform which is requiring LicensE account holders to change their password.
  • Is action required? Yes. Change your password on your LicensE account.

Dear Provider:

It has been brought to our attention that DSPS’s LicensE platform is going through account upgrades. You will be getting a series of emails from a variety of email addresses (WIDSPS@public.govdelivery.com, noreply@salesforce.com and dspslicense@wisconsin.gov) requesting you to change your password to your LicensE account once your account has been upgraded. Please do this when you receive the email request to ensure continued access to your account.

If you have questions, please submit a support ticket through DSPS’s website, Request Support.

Thank you,

Christa Neuser, PHR, SHRM-CP
Faculty Services Manager
School of Medicine and Public Health
University of Wisconsin Madison
4155F Health Sciences Learning Center
750 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705
Phone: 608-263-7663
Email: clneuser@wisc.edu

SMPH Faculty Services provides guidance to faculty during their onboarding and employment life cycle including but not limited to advising them on licensing and credentialing, Wisconsin Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF) and DEA License Fee Exemption. Faculty Services is a liaison between SMPH and UW Health (Medical Staff Office, Provider Enrollment, Regional Services), VA, Outreach Sites. Providing malpractice and claim history information for all current and prior faculty through the SMPH Insurance Verifications and Claim History Program with SMPH Risk Management is another service we manage.