Risk Management & Faculty Services

SMPH Risk Management provides risk management support to SMPH faculty/employees, including clinical providers. SMPH Risk partners with the UW Office of Legal Affairs on legal proceedings, contacts regarding the legal process, and claims management. In addition SMPH works very closely with stakeholders like UW Health’s Risk Management/Legal Department, UW Health Patient Safety and UW Health Patient Relations on efforts to improve patient safety and quality of the care provided within the UW Health organization, and serves as a resource to assist SMPH providers when they are involved in these processes.

SMPH Faculty Services provides guidance to faculty during their onboarding and employment life cycle including but not limited to advising them on licensing and credentialing, Wisconsin Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund (IPFCF) and DEA License Fee Exemption. Faculty Services is a liaison between SMPH and UW Health (Medical Staff Office, Provider Enrollment, Regional Services), VA, Outreach Sites.

On March 1, 2022, the Insurance Verification and Claims History Program transitioned to SMPH Risk Management and Faculty Services. This program provides malpractice and claim history information for all current and prior SMPH clinical providers.

Contact information

The above are just some of the more common types of support SMPH Risk Management & Faculty Services provides for SMPH employees in clinical and professional settings. SMPH Risk Management & Faculty Services can be contacted at:

  • Bob Ebbe, JD, CPHRM, Risk Management Manager: rebbe@wisc.edu, (608) 263-2914
  • Christa Neuser, PHR, SHRM-CP, Faculty Services Manager: clneuser@wisc.edu, (608) 263-7663
  • Please send insurance verifications and claims history requests to: smph-rm@med.wisc.edu