What is your current position?
I am a Teaching Professor of Anatomy.
When did you start working in SMPH? At UW?
I started teaching at SMPH (and at UW) in summer of 2012.
What does a typical day look like for you?
One of the things that I love about my job is that the days are so varied! Often, I teach for much of the day, lecturing and/or teaching in the anatomy lab. Other days, I do behind-the-scenes work that supports our learners and our anatomy program at SMPH: creating learning materials, writing lectures, studying for upcoming classes, dissecting specimens, planning courses, meeting with colleagues, and working with students one-on-one. Every day is different. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to work with SMPH staff and learners in so many ways.
What is your workplace superpower?
I am very good at patiently explaining complicated concepts in simple language.
What is something personal you keep on your desk?
Goofy pictures of my kids through the years.
Where are you from originally?
I grew up in Hermosa Beach, California (near Los Angeles).
What is your favorite place to spend time in Madison? In the world?
In Madison: somewhere outside (the Arb, Indian Lake County Park, my yard)
Day trip from Madison: Kohler State Park
In the world: at a tidepool.
What are you reading right now?
I’m nearly finished with Flavorama by Arielle Johnson, a super-interesting book about the chemistry of flavor. Next in the pile is The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger (about the intelligence of plants).
Share one fact about yourself that your co-workers might not be aware of.
I have a ridiculous number of condiments in my refrigerator.
Optional: Ask yourself one more question and answer it.
What’s your favorite condiment?
Everything Oil from To Asia, With Love by Hetty Lui McKinnon. It is an amazingly delicious condiment and the name is no lie: it is good on everything. Here’s a link to the recipe: https://foodforeveryone.com.au/blogs/recipes/hetty-mckinnon-s-everything-oil-from-to-asia-with-love