Esther Schulman, Administrative Specialist, Department of Medicine

Pronouns: she/her

Esther Schulman What is your current position?

I am an Administrative Specialist.

When did you start working in SMPH? At UW?

I started working at the Department of Medicine in 2017. Before that I was a student helper at Peet’s Coffee and Tea at Memorial Union as an undergraduate. In 2017, I started as a MPA-Central Float in the department. It was a brand new position that was never created before and the purpose was for someone to be able to fill in any gaps of support (i.e. if a staff member was on vacation). But it ended up being way more fun! It became more of a project based as well as being coming interim EA for a couple of positions until a more permanent person was hired.

From the many projects and positions I covered, I learned a lot of things about the department and developed many connections and strategies to help the department in any way I can.

What does a typical day look like for you?

No day is really the same! I have multiple projects and programs to help coordinate, so every day is a new adventure! But I always start my day with a large coffee and reading and replying to emails.

What is your workplace superpower?

Organization, Motivation, and a Can-Do Attitude, with some help from my best friend, coffee!

What is something personal you keep on your desk? (Feel free to share a photo if you’d like!)

Red and white dog with a tennis ballI have a picture of my puppy, Bella. She also tries to eat anything from my desk if it is in reachable distance and I am not looking (when I am working from home).

Where are you from originally?

Moscow, Russia

What is your favorite place to spend time in Madison? In the world?

In Madison, I love going to cafes! They are such a comfortable environment to be in. In the world, at home, on the couch with my family!

What are you reading right now? (Alternatively: What 1-2 books, articles, or podcasts, can you recommend to your SMPH colleagues?)

The “Last King of America: The Misunderstood Reign of George III” by Andrew Roberts.

A book I would recommend for fun and rather interesting is “Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat” by Oliver Sacks.

Share one fact about yourself that your co-workers might not be aware of.

I originally wanted to get a PhD or PsyD in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis in pre-and post-adoption therapy. It has always been an interest to me to study and learn ways to improve the transition period that a child goes through when coming from an orphanage or foster system to a permanent home and well as helping new parents preparing to adopt a child from such a background. I still remember my own experience going through the changes from an orphanage and learning how to get comfortable and building trust with my new adopted parents.