Caitlin Stark, Clinical Research Coordinator, Carbone Cancer Center

Caitlin StarkWhat is your current position?

I am a Clinical Research Coordinator at the Carbone Cancer Center, specifically in the breast cancer research program.

When did you start working in SMPH?  

I started working at SMPH March of 2017.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Every day looks different! Our team is always opening new studies and enrolling patients to clinical trials, so each day of work varies depending on what needs our focus most. One day I might be working on data entry for a sponsor deadline, another day I may be working hard with my colleagues to enroll a patient to a clinical trial so they can begin treatment for their cancer. It’s always changing which is one of the great aspects of this position; you are never bored and always learning!

What makes your team successful?

Our team has an amazing rapport and we all want each other to succeed both at work and in our personal lives. We are always assisting each other whenever we can and truly enjoy working and spending time together, which is a part of what makes this position so enjoyable.

What is your workplace superpower?

I am incredibly detail-oriented! 

What is something personal you keep on your desk? (feel free to share a photo if you’d like!)

There’s always a cup of coffee on my desk. If I’m working from home for the day, there’s also always a candle.

Where are you from originally?

North Dakota.

What is your favorite place to spend time in Madison? In the world?

In Madison, I really enjoy spending time on Lake Monona and Lake Mendota with my family either boating, hanging at the terrace, or kayaking. In the world; Italy!

What are you reading right now? (Alternatively: What 1-2 books, articles, or podcasts, can you recommend to your SMPH colleagues?)

I’m currently reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to my son.

Share one fact about yourself that you co-workers might not be aware of.

I have been a vegetarian for 15 years.

What is the next place you would like to travel?

New Orleans or Spain!