Thursday, May 9, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.
Health Sciences Learning Center Room 1335
The Honors and Awards Ceremony recognizes graduating medical students.
Student Awardees
Juan Aguirre Villalobos
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Award
- Vogel Foundation Award
David Alderman
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Lily Allison
- Bernard and Margaret Haza Medical Scholarship
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
Faith Anderson
- Robin N. Allin MD Scholarship
Ryan Anderson
- Peter G. Hanson Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- John H. and William J. Houghton Award
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Madeline Arzbecker
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
- William S. Middleton Award
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Arun Augustine
- Peter G. Hanson Scholarship
- McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award
- B. Bunin Scholarship
- Michael & Peggy Pollay Scholarship
Hazel Becker
- Etta and Benjamin Bespalow Memorial Scholarship
- Peter G. Hanson Scholarship
Charis Benjamin
- Paul J. Bertics Memorial Scholarship
- Philip R. Hamilton III Scholarship
- Fannie P. Lewis Scholarship
- Path of Distinction – Interprofessional Practice & Education
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Abigail Boeck
- Marvin E. Watts Scholarship
- Bardeen Award for Excellence in Anatomy
- Lora L. Marshall Scholarship
- Lewis E. and Edith Phillips Scholarship
- Bruce C. Wilson, MD Memorial Award
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Jeffrey P. Davis Scholarship
- Excellence in Public Health Award
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Brenna Bomkamp
- Etta and Benjamin Bespalow Memorial Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Edward, Dolores, and Rosemary Schultz Scholarship Fund
Casandra Boomgarden
- Class of ‘53 Scholarship
Kari Borowski
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Erin Bowden
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Leadership Award
- Norbert Barwasser Medical School Scholarship
- Ralph M. Waters Medical Scholarship
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Isabel Breyer
- Edward, Dolores, and Rosemary Schultz Scholarship Fund
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Everett Carl Burgess Award
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Madeline Brown
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Vandenberg Scholarship – H&A
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Anthony Minh-Tri Bui
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
Lydia Buzzard
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
- American College of Emergency Physicians Medical Student Professionalism and Service Award
- Path of Distinction in Research
Cory Call
- Otto Mortensen and Margaret Ann Mortensen Scholarship
- The Flanum Family Foundation Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Rebecca Case
- Katherine Buerki Scholarship
- Eugene M. Polo Scholarship
Monica Cho
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Kevin Cordeiro
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
Rachel Craven
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Cassandra Crifase
- James J. Magnino, MD Scholarship
Brodey Danielsen
- Ralph N. Olsen American Indian Scholarship
Alyssa Dezeeuw
- Path of Distinction in Research
James Dickman IV
- Anthony J. Kisley Scholarship
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Greigory Dimailig
- Don Bruechert Medical Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
- Rupp Sell Memorial Award Advancement of Infant Care
Ban Dodin
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Sahand Eftekari
- Path of Distinction in Research
Andrea Esparza
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Claudia Evaristo
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
- Rupp Sell Memorial Award Advancement of Infant Care
Collin Evenson
- Lommen Family Courtesy Corp McDonalds Medicine Scholarship
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
- Lewis E. and Edith Phillips Scholarship
- Laurel Clark Scholarship
- Cora M. & Dr. Edward J. Van Liere Award
- Path of Distinction in Research
Aaron Faacks
- B. Bunin Scholarship
Kenneth Fiala
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
- Native American Center for Health Professions Scholarship for Advancing Health Equity
- Bruce C. Wilson, MD Memorial Award
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Sabrina Fleege
- Lora L. Marshall Scholarship
- Marvin E. Watts Scholarship
- Lewis E. and Edith Phillips Scholarship
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Fannie P. Lewis Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Kevin Franco Valle
- Path of Distinction in Research
Alexandra Frank
- Lora L. Marshall Scholarship
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Meredith Gallagher
- Tom Genda Family Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Michael & Peggy Pollay Scholarship
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Jessica Gillespie
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Ruby Gravrok
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
Leah Gruen
- Pathology Honor Society
Michael Gui
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Colin Hammock
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Mark Hancher
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Leadership Award
- Betty J. Bamforth Award
- Gibbs Zauft Award
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Samuel Hayes
- Gustafson Family Scholarship
Eric Hess
- Class of ‘53 Scholarship
- John K. Harting 3 Shields Award
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Johnson Hoang
- Path of Distinction in Research
Jackson Hoang
- The Flanum Family Foundation Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Amy Holzer
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Felissa Hong
- Alice and Philip M. Farrell Scholarship for Student Leaders
Leslie Huang
- Path of Distinction in Research
Ryan Ingebritsen
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Michael Istvanek
- Samson Occom Legacy Award
Vansh Jain
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Monica Janz
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Frances M. Forster Award
Mallory Jasicki
- Lommen Family Courtesy Corp McDonalds Medicine Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Path of Distinction in Research
- John Kimberly Curtis Award
Benjamin Johnson
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
Victoria Johnson
- Alice and Philip M. Farrell Scholarship for Student Leaders
- Larry Tempelis Peer Mentoring in Professionalism Award
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
Derek Jones
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
Laura Kelble
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Hermon Kihshen
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Pathology Honor Society
Kristianna Klammer
- Samuel Perlson Medical Scholarship Fund – TRiUMPH
- Joyce F. Jeardeau Family Medicine Memorial Scholarship
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Confidence Kpegeol
- Anthony J. Kisley Scholarship
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Leadership Award
- McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award
- Medical Student Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award
Samuel Krabbenhoft
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Ian Kuckelman
- Marvin E. Watts Scholarship
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
Ryan Laffin
- University League Scholarship
- Lora L. Marshall Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Crystal Lan
- Otto Mortensen and Margaret Ann Mortensen Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Judy Le
- Etta and Benjamin Bespalow Memorial Scholarship
Bo Peng Lear
- Mark Gichert Memorial Award in the Neurosciences
Rebecca Luoh
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
George Luong
- Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
Joshua Martens
- Path of Distinction in Research
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Alyssa McClelland
- Vincent Russo Memorial Scholarship
- Darren Bean Scholarship for the Advancement of Emergency Medicine
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Hailey Milakovich
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Katarina Milosavljevic
- Path of Distinction in Research
Eduardo Miranda Mora
- Youmans Award in Medical Physiology
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Liana Mixson
- McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award
- University League Scholarship
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Robert F. and Irma K. Korbitz Endowed Scholarship in Family Medicine
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Momin Mohis
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Leadership Award
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Maya Muldowney
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Rachel Munson
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Andrea Niño de Guzman Ramirez
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Scholarship
Justyn Nguyen
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Cassandra Nytes
- Robert F. and Irma K. Korbitz Endowed Scholarship in Family Medicine
- Bruce C. Wilson, MD Memorial Award
Anthony Oleksy
- Ralph M. Waters Medical Scholarship
Jamie O’Neill
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Annalise Panthofer
- Katherine Buerki Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Sam G. Perlson Scholarship
- James J. Magnino, MD Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Taylor Penn
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Philip M. Abdel Memorial Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Lauren Penn
- Path of Distinction in Research
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Cathryn Phouybanhdyt
- Molly and Louis Hinshaw Medical School Scholarship
- Alice and Philip M. Farrell Scholarship for Student Leaders
- Vincent Russo Memorial Scholarship
- Bruce C. Wilson, MD Memorial Award
- ACEP National Outstanding Medical Student Award (Nominee)
Zachariah Piper
- Paul R. Summerside Leadership Award
Evan Polce
- Class of 2007 Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery Award
- A. Leonard Award
- The Flanum Family Foundation Scholarship
- Medical Student Achievement in Orthopedics Award
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Hannah Raabe
- Eugene M. Polo Scholarship
- Lewis E. and Edith Phillips Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
Colin Reisenauer
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Drew Richards
- Walter J. Schacht MD Scholarship
Mark Saari
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
Erik Sanson
- Compassion in Action Award
- Pathology Honor Society
Grace Schaack
- Pathology Honor Society
Juliette Schefelker
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Harry A. Waisman Memorial Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Daniel Schroeder
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
Grace Seibert
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Hannah Sherfinski
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Patrick Remington, MD, MPH Most Promise in Preventive Medicine Award
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Carley Sprackling
- Laura Zakowski, MD, Outstanding Medical Student Award in General Internal Medicine
Laura Steenberge
- Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Quinn Steiner
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
- Abdel-Morrey Orthopedic Surgery Award
- Charles Bardeen Student Award for Excellence in Anatomy
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Haley Strouf
- Lynn Eggman Memorial Award
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Andrew Sung
- Pathology Honor Society
Jonathan Tai
- Pathology Honor Society
Jessica Thornton
- Path of Distinction in Medical Education
Andrew Ticho
- Path of Distinction in Research
Katharine Tippins
- George & Laura Maki Scholarship
- Tom Genda Family Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Carlos Torres
- Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Leadership Award
- McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award
- Samuel Perlson Medical Scholarship Fund – TRiUMPH
- Donald J. Worden Memorial Scholarship
- Lester Brillman Leadership and Advocacy Award
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Collin Tran
- Walter J. Schact MD Scholarship
- Betty J. Bamforth Award
Noah Trapp
- American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology
Daniel Traverzo
- Native American Center for Health Professions Scholarship for Advancing Health Equity
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Benjamin Weber
- Path of Distinction in Research
- Path of Distinction – Interprofessional Practice & Education
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Donovin Widmann
- Samuel Perlson Medical Scholarship Fund – TRiUMPH
Pa Ta Xiong
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
- Founders Award
Benjamin Yeske
- B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Research
Tommy Yu
- Path of Distinction in Research
Meghan Zander
- Compassion in Action Award
- Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
- Vogel Foundation Award
Allison Zinter
- Muskegon Surgical Associates Scholarship
- Path of Distinction in Public Health
Margaret Zwick
- David L. and Leta B. Williams Medical School Scholarship
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
- Gold Humanism Honor Society
Abdel-Morrey Orthopedic Surgery Award
This award was created by Matthew Abdel, MD and Mark Morrey, MD, members of the Class of 2007. It recognizes a fourth-year student pursuing a career in orthopedic surgery who demonstrates academic competence, a strong work ethic, leadership qualities and who has participated in orthopedic research and volunteered for humanitarian efforts and/or other philanthropic organizations.
Alice and Philip M. Farrell Scholarship for Student Leaders
This honorary scholarship was established at the retirement of Dr. Philip Farrell, former Dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health. The Alice and Philip M. Farrell Scholarship for Student Leaders recognizes the significant involvement that both Mrs. Farrell and Dr. Farrell had with medical students and student organizations. This Scholarship is awarded to recognize students who have served in principal leadership roles within medical student organizations.
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Alpha Omega Alpha, founded in 1902, is the national medical honor society. Election to Alpha Omega Alpha is an honor signifying a lasting commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service. A lifelong honor, membership in the society confers recognition for a physician’s dedication to the profession and art of healing.
American Academy of Neurology Medical Student Prize for Excellence in Neurology
This award is presented to a graduating student who has been selected by the Department of Neurology clerkship directors, faculty and residents for their dedication to excellence in clinical neurology.
American College of Emergency Room Physicians National Outstanding Medical Student Award
This national award given by the American College of Emergency Physicians recognizes ten students across the country who have demonstrated humanism/professionalism, scholarly achievements, leadership and service to medical organizations, community service, and research/publications.
American College of Emergency Physicians Medical Student Professionalism and Service Award
This award is sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), a national specialty society to recognize students who excel in compassionate care of patients, professional behavior and service to the community and/or specialty.
Bernard and Margaret Haza Medical Scholarship
This endowed scholarship was established by Mrs. Margaret Haza in honor of her late husband, Dr. Bernard Haza, Class of 1950. Dr. Haza spent his career as an internist and served as a teacher-preceptor in the Fox Valley community. This Scholarship is awarded to a third-year student interested in internal medicine who has demonstrated a dedication to community and a high level of academic achievement.
Betty J. Bamforth Award
The Betty J. Bamforth Award is presented annually to a fourth-year medical student who has demonstrated interest and excellence in the field of anesthesiology and preoperative medicine. Dr. Bamforth trained in anesthesiology at the University of Wisconsin under Dr. Ralph M. Waters, founder of the first academic anesthesiology program in the country. She held a faculty position from 1954 to 1992, serving as Interim Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs in the Medical School, and Mentor of the Class of 1992. Dr. Bamforth was a consummate teacher, administrator, researcher and practitioner for 38 years, training over 250 residents and fellows in the art and science of anesthesiology.
Bruce C. Wilson, MD Memorial Award
This scholarship was created in memory of Dr. Bruce Wilson (’80) by Drs. Steven and Ann Merkow and supported by friends, classmates, and family to assist medical students with the cost of their education and training.
Charles Russell Bardeen, Founding Dean Fourth-Year Student Award
This award is given by medical alumni in honor of Dr. Bardeen, Professor of Anatomy and first Dean of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. It is presented to outstanding medical students in anatomy.
Class of ‘53 Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Class of 1953 to recognize and assist dedicated medical students who are both worthy and deserving.
Class of 2007 Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery Award
This award is presented to a student who has demonstrated a strong work ethic, leadership qualities and an ongoing interest in orthopedic surgery. This award recognizes the student’s participation in basic science and/or clinical research in the field as well as his or her participation in humanitarian volunteer activities.
Cora M. & Dr. Edward J. Van Liere Award
Dr. Van Liere was a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Medical Sciences in 1918 and served for a number of years as Dean of West Virginia Medical School. This award is presented in his memory to a senior student who achieved high scholastic standing during their four-years of medical school.
Donald J. Worden Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Class of 1980 to honor the memory of their classmate, Dr. Donald J. Worden, who is fondly remembered by classmates, faculty and staff as a truly exceptional person in his concern for the welfare of others. It is given to fourth-year students in recognition of demonstrated devotion to the care and comfort of fellow human beings, both in patient care and other activities.
Dr. B.K. & Tomina Lovell Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Lovell was a member of the Class of 1936. This scholarship is awarded to recognize worthy and deserving students interested in the field of radiology.
Dr. Charles Bardeen Student Award for Excellence in Anatomy
This award is given by medical alumni in honor of Dr. Bardeen, Professor of Anatomy and first Dean of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. It is presented to an outstanding medical student in anatomy.
Dr. Darren Bean Scholarship for the Advancement of Emergency Medicine
The Dr. Darren Bean scholarship is provided to a fourth-year student going into emergency medicine who combines the attributes of Dr. Bean: a commitment to excellence, collegiality, education, research and patient care.
Dr. Everett Carl Burgess Award
Dr. Burgess was a member of the Class of 1937. This award was established in Dr. Burgess’ memory by his family. It is presented to a senior student in recognition of demonstrated excellence in the field of surgery.
Dr. Frances M. Forster Award
The Forster Award was established by the Department of Neurology in recognition of Dr. Forster’s outstanding service to the medical school as Chairman of Neurology from 1958 to 1978. This award honors a graduating medical student for excellence in neurology.
Dr. Gibbs Zauft Award
This award was established by the late Dr. C.E. Schorer, Class of 1955, to commemorate Gibbs Zauft, MD, Class of 1950, a general practitioner who gave an exceptional amount of personal time and care to Dr. Schorer’s parents. It is given to graduating seniors who have displayed an exceptional concern for the comfort and welfare of their patients.
Dr. Harry A. Waisman Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Waisman was a member of the Class of 1947, and Professor of Pediatrics from 1958 to 1971. This award was established by family and friends in his memory and is given to the medical student who has demonstrated the greatest talent in the study of health problems of children.
Dr. Isadore Cash Scholarship
This scholarship is given in honor of the late Dr. Cash to recognize a student who has achieved academic excellence.
Dr. Jeffrey P. Davis Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Dr. Jeffrey Davis by his family, friends and colleagues. Jeff was the State Epidemiologist and Chief Medical Officer for Communicable Diseases for the State of Wisconsin for over 40 years. This scholarship is awarded to a fourth year student pursuing a career combining medicine and public health who combines the attributes of Dr. Davis: a keen intellect, curiosity in medical investigation, mentorship and a dedication to public health, especially the health of the people of Wisconsin.
Dr. John K. Harting 3 Shields Award
This award was established through gifts from Scott Bassuener, Robert Behm, and George Gendy to honor their former professor, Dr. John Harting. This award recognizes third-year students who have worked to enhance the learning and social environment of SMPH via their enthusiasm, teamwork and dependability.
Dr. John Kimberly Curtis Award
The John Kimberly Curtis Award is given to assist the education of fourth-year medical students interested in treating pulmonary disease.
Dr. Larry Tempelis Peer Mentoring in Professionalism Award
This award was created by colleagues, family, friends and patients in memory of Dr. Tempelis, Class of 1974. Throughout his career as a clinician, teacher and research scientist, Dr. Tempelis was strongly committed to mentoring—the process of passing on skills, wisdom and perspective to others in order to contribute to their career development. Additionally, he was a paragon of professionalism throughout his career. The donors of this award wish to recognize a senior medical student each year who has been most successful in efforts to mentor junior colleagues in professionalism.
Dr. Lester Brillman Scholarship Awards
Dr. Brillman’s great wish was to excite and empower medical students to take up the specialty that gave him so much satisfaction. This scholarship is presented in his memory to fourth-year students pursuing a career in family medicine.
Dr. Lynn Eggman Memorial Award
Dr. Lynn Eggman, Class of 1962, was an outstanding general pediatrician and teacher-preceptor who practiced in the Rhinelander area of northern Wisconsin for nearly 50 years. He was a strong supporter of the UW School of Medicine and Public Health and its clinical and teaching missions throughout his many years of practice. This award is presented in his memory to a fourth-year medical student who has generated excellence in interpersonal skills and communication with children and their families.
Dr. Michael & Peggy Pollay Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Michael (MD ’55) and Peggy Pollay and is awarded to an academically outstanding medical student planning to pursue a career in academic medicine.
Dr. Otto Mortensen and Margaret Ann Mortensen Scholarship
Dr. Otto Mortensen, Class of 1929, was Chairman of the Medical School Department of Anatomy and Associate Dean of the Medical School from 1952 through 1966. This scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding academic performance in Phase 1.
Dr. Patrick Remington, MD, MPH Most Promise in Preventive Medicine Award
This award is given to a graduating MD student with the most promise in preventive medicine. Recipients of this award have proven competence in their field experience and Capstone Project and fostered critical connections with community partners. Recipients have gone above and beyond to achieve not only their educational goals but also to address population health needs.
Dr. Paul R. and Alice P. Bishop Memorial Award
This endowed award was created in memory of Dr. Paul R. Bishop, Class of 1949, and his wife Alice P. Bishop by their family, friends and colleagues. Dr. Bishop was a primary care physician in Louisiana and Sauk Prairie who loved practicing medicine. He was supported at home by Alice, who devoted her life to Paul and their six sons. This award is to be presented to a third-year student enrolled in the Wisconsin Academy for Rural Medicine (WARM) program. Preference is given to a compassionate student who goes the extra mile for their patients and who exhibits a strong work ethic.
Dr. Paul R. Summerside Leadership Award
The Summerside Leadership Award was established by BayCare Emergency Physicians and AuroraBayCare Medical Center to honor Dr. Paul R. Summerside whose physician leadership was instrumental in bringing together Aurora Health Care and BayCare Physicians to establish and grow BayCare Clinic and AuroraBayCare Medical Center. The Award’s recipients show exemplary leadership skills.
Dr. Philip R. Hamilton III Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Hamilton, Class of 1973 and Professor of Ob/Gyn at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health. This Scholarship is given in recognition of superior dedication and service to the UW School of Medicine and Public Health and the community.
Dr. Ralph M. Waters Medical Scholarship
This scholarship is provided by the Class of 1945 in honor of Dr. Ralph M. Waters, Professor of Anesthesiology from 1926 to 1949. Dr. Waters is renowned not only as founder of the country’s oldest academic program in anesthesiology at the University of Wisconsin, but also is regarded as the foundation of academic anesthesiology throughout the world. This scholarship is awarded to a student in the clinical years in recognition of merit, ability and scholarship.
Dr. Ralph N. Olsen American Indian Scholarship
This award is given by Dr. Ralph N. Olsen, Class of 1954, to deserving American Indian students.
Dr. Sam G. Perlson Scholarship
This scholarship is given by Mrs. Jo Schwartz Perlson in memory of her late husband, Sam, Class of 1951, who spent his career as a practicing physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology and serving as an active member in the UW Medical Alumni Association. The scholarship is awarded to fourth-year medical students planning to pursue a career in obstetrics and gynecology who have demonstrated outstanding abilities as a scholar, and who have also exhibited commensurate outstanding humanistic qualities.
Dr. Vincent Russo Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is given by the Class of 1961 in memory of their classmate, Dr. Russo. It is awarded to a third-year medical student based on qualities of leadership and character.
Dr. William S. Middleton Award
Given to recognize superior academic achievement, including excellent performance on clinical rotations, this award memorializes Emeritus Dean Middleton whose medical school career spanned over 60 years and epitomized dedication to teaching at the bedside.
Drs. John H. and William J. Houghton Award
This award, presented by the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation, recognizes an outstanding student who, through extracurricular achievement and interest in the activities of medical organizations, shows high promise of becoming a “complete physician.” The Houghton brothers hoped to encourage young men and women toward a greater appreciation of the need for physicians to work together through their county, state and national medical organizations.
Edward, Dolores, and Rosemary Schultz Scholarship
This award was created by Rosemary Schultz (‘MD 85). This award recognizes a graduating female medical student who has exhibited strong academic achievement. Preference is given to a student pursuing a career in orthopedics, but women pursuing other surgical fields can be considered.
Edwin and M. Etta Rasey Scholarship
This award is for a student or students studying the research or treatment of circulatory medicine.
Etta and Benjamin Bespalow Memorial Scholarship
This fund was established with a gift from Anita Bespalow-Haas and Lillian Bespalow in memory of Etta and Benjamin Bespalow, and is used to provide scholarships to medical students at the School of Medicine and Public Health.
Eugene M. Polo Scholarship
The Polo scholarship is given to recognize and assist dedicated and deserving second-year medical students.
Excellence in Public Health Award
This award is given by the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Physician Professional Advisory Committee, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to recognize medical students who are involved in public health issues in their community as well as to increase awareness of the USPHS and its mission to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of our nation. This award recognizes outstanding students committed to strong work in the field of public health.
Fannie P. Lewis Scholarship
This scholarship was established in memory of Fannie P. Lewis and is awarded to two academically outstanding female medical students.
The Flanum Family Foundation Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Dr. Mark Flanum, Class of 2002, and his wife Christine. It will be presented to a fourth-year medical student who demonstrates scholastic achievement, outstanding humanistic qualities, and is pursuing a career in orthopedic surgery.
Founders Award
The Wisconsin Academy of Family Physicians presents this award to an outstanding fourth-year medical student who has forwarded the concepts of family medicine as a medical student.
George & Laura Maki Scholarship
This scholarship recognizes a fourth-year medical student planning to pursue a career in internal medicine who has demonstrated outstanding abilities as a scholar, and who has also exhibited commensurate outstanding humanistic qualities.
Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement
The Glasgow-Rubin Certificate of Commendation for Academic Achievement is presented by the American Medical Women’s Association to recognize women students who graduate in the top 10% of their class. There are 15 recipients, please hold your applause until all names are read. Students, please stand to be recognized when I call your name. You may pick up your certificate up front at the end of the ceremony.
Gold Humanism Honor Society
The Gold Humanism Honor Society exists to elevate the values of humanism and professionalism within the field of medicine. Students are nominated to the society by their peers based on their demonstrated excellence in clinical care, leadership, compassion, and dedication to service.
Gustafson Family Scholarship
Dr. Raymond Gustafson, MD, Class of 1955, and the Gustafson Family created this scholarship to encourage medical students to go into family practice and return to smaller rural communities. This scholarship is given to recognize a senior student of the Wisconsin Academy of Rural Medicine (WARM) who has demonstrated strong humanitarian instincts and evidence of public spirited leadership.
James J. Magnino, MD Scholarship
This scholarship was established through the estate of the late Dr. James Magnino, Class of 1975, to recognize students who clinically have displayed an exceptional understanding in medical ethics.
Joyce F. Jeardeau Family Medicine Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established by David Jeardeau in memory of his wife, Joyce. This scholarship is awarded to one or more fourth year medical student(s) with financial need planning to pursue a career in Family Medicine.
Laura Zakowski, MD General Internal Medicine Outstanding Medical Student Award
This award is presented by the Division of General Internal Medicine to fourth-year students who exhibit leadership qualities and an outstanding commitment to the principles of general internal medicine. It recognizes attention to all aspects of patient care, biomedical and psychosocial, gender and cultural issues that have an impact on patient care, a commitment to the use of evidence-based medicine, collaborative work with team members, and a commitment to facilitation of care in the transition between the inpatient and outpatient settings.
Laurel Clark Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Class of 1987 in memory of their classmate, Captain Laurel Clark. Dr. Clark died tragically in the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Dr. Clark received her BS degree in zoology in 1983 and her MD degree in 1987. This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding fourth-year medical student with strong leadership skills and a dedication to cutting-edge science.
Lewis E. and Edith Phillips Scholarship
Phillips scholarships are provided to help support the continuing education of students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement. Mr. Phillips was a native of Eau Claire, Wisconsin and a generous benefactor of the University and Medical School.
Lommen Family Courtesy Corp McDonalds Medicine Scholarship
The Lommen Family Courtesy Corp McDonalds Medicine scholarship is given to recognize students with a history of superior academic achievement. The Scholarship is given as a gift from the Ronald McDonald Charities of Western Wisconsin and Southeastern Minnesota.
Lora L. Marshall Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to deserving students on the basis of academic achievement.
Mark Gichert Memorial Award in the Neurosciences
The Mark Gichert Memorial Award was established by the Department of Neurological Surgery in memory of Dr. Mark Gichert, Class of 1978, a brilliant resident in neurosurgery who died in 1987. It is presented to an outstanding senior medical student interested in neurosciences.
McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award
The McGovern-Tracy Scholars Award is given by the Department of Family Medicine to recognize students who exemplify values of community service and leadership. The award is named to honor the generations of the McGovern family who pioneered in Wisconsin and the late Michele Tracy, whose remarkable spirit and record of service to communities typifies McGovern-Tracy Scholars.
Medical Student Achievement in Orthopedics Award
The Medical Student Achievement in Orthopedics Award is presented to a deserving student by the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation to recognize excellence, citizenship and research in orthopedics.
Medical Student Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine presents this award to recognize interest and excellence in the field of emergency medicine.
Molly and Louis Hinshaw Medical School Scholarship
Drs. Molly and Louis Hinshaw are graduates of the medical school, Class of 2000. They established this scholarship to recognize students who have shown strengths in academic achievement, leadership, volunteerism and initiative, and who have demonstrated an understanding of the value of teamwork in medicine.
Native American Center for Health Professions Scholarship for Advancing Health Equity
This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate a commitment to address health disparities that impact Native American populations.
N.B Bunin Scholarship
The N.B. Bunin scholarship recognizes a student doing research in the fields of cancer or heart disease.
Pat and George Rowe Scholarship
The late Dr. George Rowe, Class of 1945, a respected faculty member in the Department of Medicine and Mentor for the Class of 1993, and his wife, Pat, established this scholarship to recognize second-year students for academic excellence.
Path of Distinction in Interprofessional Practice and Education
The UW IPE PoD is awarded by UW CIPE to health/social care program students who complete a two-year longitudinal IPE program, as detailed below, to gain knowledge and skills in interprofessional competencies, and to become interprofessional practitioners as future healthcare team members and leaders. IPE is widely recognized as a roadmap toward improving the patient care experience, improving the health of communities and populations, reducing the cost of healthcare delivery, improving the work experience of healthcare professionals, and improving healthy equity – known as the ‘Quintuple Aim’
Path of Distinction in Medical Education
The MD degree with “Path of Distinction in Medical Education” is conferred upon those medical students who, in addition to completing the requirements for the MD degree, satisfactorily complete the Path of Distinction program requirements. The Path of Distinction in Medical Education trains the physician-teachers of the future to transform the landscape of academic medicine in order to improve the delivery of patient care. Students gain a holistic view of the foundations of medical education as it sits at the intersection of academic medicine and clinical care. They then transform this foundation into practice through teaching electives and medical education projects that can include curriculum design, student and curriculum assessment, educational leadership, educational policy, and student teaching and learning.
Path of Distinction in Public Health
The MD degree with “Path of Distinction in Public Health” is conferred upon those medical students who, in addition to completing the requirements for the MD degree, satisfactorily complete the Path of Distinction program requirements. The program provides medical students with a formal option to merge medical training with the principles and practice of public health by organizing existing and new programs, courses and service-learning experiences.
Path of Distinction in Research
The Path of Distinction in Research grants graduation distinction to select students who conduct a minimum of 16 weeks of mentored research during medical school, including summer research, research elective time or year-long research fellowships; contribute significantly to at least one manuscript or thesis based on original research; complete research-related learning and leadership activities; present scholarly work locally, and regionally or nationally; and are in good academic standing.
Pathology Honor Society
This award is given by the Association of Pathology Chairs in recognition of academic achievement.
Philip M. Abdel Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was created by Matthew Abdel, MD and Mark Morrey, MD, members of the Class of 2007, in memory of Matt’s father Philip M. Abdel, an unwavering advocate of higher education and a mentor and role model to all. It is given to recognize fourth-year medical students who have demonstrated one or more of the following attributes: exceptional moral characteristics, dedication to pursuing a surgical specialty or subspecialty, superb academic competence, a resolute work ethic, notable leadership qualities, and active participation in research.
Robert F. and Irma K. Korbitz Endowed Scholarship in Family Medicine
This scholarship was created by Mrs. Irma Korbitz in memory of her husband, Dr. Robert Korbitz, Class of 1962. Dr. Korbitz served as an adjunct professor of medicine while focusing on family practice as a partner in the Monona Grove Clinic. This Scholarship is awarded to students pursuing a career in family medicine.
Robin N. Allin MD Scholarship
This scholarship is given by Mrs. Ruth E. Allin in memory of her husband Dr. Robin N. Allin, BA (’32), MD Class of 1934. He was an internist at the Dean Clinic until his retirement in 1975. This Scholarship is awarded to deserving second-year students.
Rupp Sell Memorial Award Advancement of Infant Care
This endowed scholarship was created in memory of Dr. Matt Sell, Class of 1980. Dr. Sell was a beloved infant care specialist who saved the lives of many children and brought comfort to their families. This award is given to a fourth-year medical student planning to pursue a career in pediatrics with an interest in neonatology and infant care who combines the attributes of Dr. Sell: a caring and kind attitude, good work ethic, dedication to gentle care of patients and a penchant towards cutting-edge ideas.
Samson Occom Legacy Award
The Samson Occom Legacy Award for American Indians was established by Faith D. Ottery, BS (‘75), MD (Class of 1981), PhD (’89) in honor of Reverend Samson Occom, a founder of the Brothertown Indian Nation who has the distinction of being the first Native American to publish documents in English and who had a deep commitment to education. This award is given to American Indian students at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
Samuel Perlson Medical Scholarship Fund – TRiUMPH
This fund was set up by the Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association in conjunction with Sam Perlson in early 1991. It is awarded to students who maintains consistency with Dr. Perlson’s values and ideals, including a demonstrated commitment to serve the underserved.
T.A. Leonard Award
Named in honor of the late Dr. T.A. Leonard, Class of 1931, this award is given in recognition of exemplary performance in obstetrics and gynecology.
Tom Genda Family Scholarship
This scholarship was created in memory of Tom Genda by his family. Mr. Genda played for the UW Badgers (1959 Big Ten Champions) and in the 1960 Rose Bowl. This scholarship is awarded annually to one or more fourth-year medical student(s) planning to pursue a career in internal medicine, with a preference for those interested in cardiovascular medicine.
Tow Award for Humanism in Medicine
This award is presented to the student and faculty member who best demonstrate the Arnold P. Gold Foundation’s ideals of outstanding compassion in the delivery of care; respect for patients, their families, and healthcare colleagues; in addition to demonstrated clinical excellence. The Gold Foundation began this award in 1991 at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
Vandenberg Scholarship
The purpose of the Fund is to provide scholarships to health professions students within the University’s Schools of Pharmacy, Medicine and Public Health, and Nursing who demonstrate a commitment to improving access to care and reducing health disparities in small towns and rural communities.
Vogel Foundation Award
This award was established by the Vogel Foundation and recognizes fourth-year medical students planning to pursue a career in family medicine with an emphasis on providing care for underserved populations.
William J. Bleckwenn Jr. Award
This award is given by the late Dr. William J. Bleckwenn, Sr. and Mrs. Bleckwenn in memory of their son who died during his third year in medical school. Dr. Bleckwenn was a member of the Medical School faculty from 1922 to 1954. The award is based on clinical promise and is presented to a senior student in recognition of qualities of character, heart and mind that combine to make a true physician.
Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association Student Scholarship
The Wisconsin Medical Alumni Association scholarship is awarded to second-year medical students who are recognized as leaders by their peers. Their continued participation with the Medical School and Medical Alumni Association inspires other classmates to stay connected and involved with the Medical School and the Medical Alumni Association. Their leadership skills are demonstrated through student groups, classroom activities and/or involvement outside the Medical School. These individuals serve as role models to others and have the potential to lead.
Youmans Award in Medical Physiology
This award is provided by William B. Youmans, longtime Chairman of the Department of Physiology who retired from the faculty in 1977. It is given to outstanding students in medical physiology.
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