A-133 Audit
State of Wisconsin 2004-05 (see page 59, UW System)
Academic Program Planning
View a list of common research-related acronyms.
Annual Report
View recent UW-Madison annual reports through the Office of the Registrar.
What are the differences between the basic types of awards?
Board of Directors
The Board of Regents provides oversight for the UW System. View a list of regents currently on the board.
Timely processing of checks — State of Wisconsin Statutes mandate that revenue must be deposited at least once a week. This statute applies to unrestricted gift checks provided by sponsors/donors to departments and centers throughout SMPH. Please provide gift checks to your department business office immediately upon receipt so they can be routed to Christy Schulz with a routing form – the form must be completed and signed by the Principal Investigator and Department Chair. Please put into place procedures which will meet this statutory requirement. Clinical trial should be sent directly to RSP attn: Ellen Dorman.
How do I check for compliance in my research?
Confidentiality clauses in research agreements
The UW does allow confidentiality provisions in research agreements, though they must be carefully negotiated by Research and Sponsored Programs or the Office of Industry Partnerships (OIP) in order to adhere to state statutes and university rules. An example of a research agreement that includes confidentiality provisions might be where a company would like to have a proprietary product evaluated or tested, but does not want the formulation of the product to be disclosed publicly. Of course, the researchers would retain the right to publish their results, but the confidentiality of the formulation would be maintained for a certain period of time, as agreed to by the sponsor and the UW. Research and Sponsored Programs or OIP can assist you with questions about proposed research agreements that contain confidentiality clauses or provisions. Please contact the Division for assistance by routing your proposed agreement or terms in WISPER signed by the PI and Department Chair. You may also want to contact the Division informally with questions before routing takes place. Ultimately, the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, or OIP, will negotiate these clauses with the sponsor. If you have questions regarding industry sponsors, contact Richelle Martin at richelle.martin@wisc.edu.
Data Digest
The UW-Madison Data Digest, published in March of each year by the office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research, provides official numbers on the major dimensions of the university, including students, faculty, staff, and budget. View current and past Data Digests.
Financial Reports
View current and past UW System Annual Financial Reports.
Fixed Price Contracts and Agreements
View UW-Madison’s Research and Sponsored Programs policies.
Historical Overview
Where can I find a historical overview of the University of Wisconsin-Madison?
Lead Time on Proposals
The SMPH Research Division remains committed to high standards in facilitating submission of proposals. To provide support to all faculty/staff, to be able to meet submission deadlines, and to better serve SMPH, the Research Division has guidance for proposal delivery at least 2-3 days prior to the agency deadline. Please plan ahead, keep us informed, and let us know how best we can assist you with your submissions.
Participant Support
Information regarding Participant support / Scholarships / Support costs (.doc)
Program Codes
Information regarding program codes for 133 and 144 grants/gifts
Proposal Routing
All proposals (i.e., intents to submit, pre-proposals, full-proposals, revisions, renewals, continuations, supplements, subcontracting proposals, and the like) must route from the PI to their department to the SMPH Research Division to RSP for review and approval prior to submission. RSP is the institutional authority delegated by the Board of Regents to submit proposals on behalf of PIs for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Submissions without full campus approval are problematic and will not be supported.
Revenue Producing Activities (128 accounts)
Where can I find information regarding revenue producing activities?
Scholarship/Support Costs
View information regarding participant support, scholarships, and support costs
Tax Status
Is UW-Madison a 501(c)(3) organization?
Textbook Authorship Contracts
Textbook authorship effort is deemed part of the academic opportunity and responsibility of faculty members – this would be a significant publication one could add to their respective lists of accomplishments. A textbook authorship contract is not one to which the Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System would be party. As a legal contract, the document will often delineate manuscript deadline dates, right to secure copyright, publication rights and license, and manuscript submission details; a contract would be directly between author and publisher. Income from book royalties should be reported on Outside Activities Reports annually or within 30 days. Options for receiving or allocating royalty income include the following: (1.) Assign all rights to the UW Foundation. If this option is to be considered, one would first need to check with the publisher to discern their policy regarding assigning royalties, whether such should be done at time of contract signature or later, prior to text publication. Electing this option would remove this income from the individual’s personal income tax stream; BUT, it may create problems in managing future editions/revisions, or in publishing any portions of the work in other venues if desired. (2.) Accept royalties as agreed to under the publisher’s contract, and in turn donate the royalties to the UW Foundation. An individual’s taxed income may be offset by their deduction for charitable contribution. Individuals can work with the UW Foundation to establish a discretionary account with funds targeted to generally support their UW-Madison department or targeted specifically to a designated area of research; allocation of funds from such an account would need to be approved by an impartial party (SMPH Dean-level review) or by a department chair. (3.) An individual may elect to retain royalties as personal income, which is absolutely acceptable.