Technology Resources

The SMPH educational technologists are always researching and piloting the latest technologies in education such as:

  • Social networking sites
  • Handheld devices
  • iPhone apps
  • Pocket video cameras

If you are interested in using a new type of technology in your course please contact Michelle Ostmoe at

More information is available from Classroom and A/V Services.

Lecture Capture/IME Video Library


Events in the HSLC lecture halls are captured using digital in-house, wall-mounted cameras and wireless microphones. The digital video files are uploaded, edited and stored on a streaming server for viewing.

All Med1 and Med2 lectures are captured and posted to the IME Video Library within 24 hours. Podcasts of the lectures are also created and available for download through iTunes. The library contains lectures and podcasts from Fall 2007 to present. These lectures and podcasts are available to all Health Sciences faculty, staff and registered students.

The system captures the image being projected on the main screen along with the audio. This capture can include items such as speaker/presenter, panel participants and Power Point slides.

Additional requests for lecture capture can be made online.

For more information regarding lecture capture, please contact Kathy Hendricks at or (608) 265-2149.


The audience response system (ARS) has been purchased by the School of Medicine and Public Health with the primary intent for use in Med 1 and Med 2 courses, exclusively in the HSLC. The ARS consists of keypads (clickers) for the audience and receivers that are installed on the computers in the Health Sciences Learning Center lecture halls and in the 2nd floor cluster classrooms.

All first- and second-year students have there own assigned personal clickers. To use the ARS with third- or fourth-year medical students (or non-medical students), clickers can be checked out from Classroom/AV Services.  Clickers can be reserved by filling out the request form online.

Training Sessions

Group and individual training sessions for creation of ARS Power Points and classroom operation of the ARS can be arranged  by contacting Chris Hanson at

For more information visit Classroom and A/V Services.


Getting Started at UW-Madison

1. Activate your NetID

You will access the Learn@UW website with your UW Madison NetID. If you have not done so already, you can prepare for Learn@UW by activating your NetID. If you have questions regarding NetID activation, see the online knowledge base or call the Help Desk at 264-HELP.

2. Request a Course

If you are teaching a University Timetable course, your Learn@UW course is created automatically. For more information on viewing and activating a Learn@UW timetable course, please see Activating a Current Semester Course.

For non-timetable Learn@UW courses, please complete the course request form.

3. Get Assistance with Learn@UW

If you would like free assistance or advice getting started with Learn@UW or its tools, several options are available to UW-Madison faculty and instructional staff using Learn@UW for academic purposes, including:

  • For technical assistance, contact the Help Desk at 264-HELP (6am-1am daily).
  • For online assistance, search the Learn@UW KnowledgeBase.
  • Attend a scheduled workshop. Hands-on sessions will be held each semester, covering a variety of topics. View the upcoming training schedule and register for a session.
  • Call the Digital Media Center at 265-4817 to set up an appointment, or see the UW-Madison Digital Media Center for more information.
  • Call 262-5667 or email for individual (or group) instructional design consultations.
  • For specific medical school course/clerkship related question contact Kathy Hendricks at or (608) 265-2149.