When an issue occurs in the workplace sometimes faculty and staff need support and resources for conflict resolution and managing relationships. Contact information for UW-Madison, SMPH and UW Health offices are provided below. Faculty struggling with their emotional wellbeing may benefit from the resources available on our Wellbeing page. A grievance process is available to any faculty member who believes that their rights have been violated or that they have been dealt with unfairly. See the policy links at the end of this page for more information.
UW-Madison SMPH Contacts
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SMPH Employee Relations
SMPH Employee Relations
Serves SMPH community by assisting in resolving workplace issues. The office provides information and support based on university policy and practice and investigates workplace concerns.
Contact: smph-employmentrelations@med.wisc.edu.
University Workforce Relations
University Workforce Relations
Serves the university community by promoting mutual respect, encouraging a positive work environment, and assisting in resolving workplace issues through proactive intervention. This office provides information and support based on university policy and practice, and assists employees in considering the best course of action for their specific situation.
Contact: wr@ohr.wisc.edu.
Office of Compliance (OC)
Provides program oversight for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Title IX of the Education Amendments, Wisconsin Public Records Law, and for providing fair and impartial employment and education discrimination complaint investigations. The OC collaborates with campus partners to mitigate compliance risk and promote ethical conduct throughout the university community.
Contact: uwcomplianceoffice@wisc.edu.
Ombuds Office
Serves as an impartial and confidential resource for conflict resolution among campus parties. The Ombuds work independently from university administration, and can be an excellent resource for advice and facilitation of open dialogues.
Contact: uwombuds@mailplus.wisc.edu.
Employee Assistance Office (EAO)
Employee Assistance Office (EAO)
Provides confidential counseling for personal issues to assist faculty and staff with maintaining and enhancing both their personal and professional lives. EAO provides consultation with individuals, pairs and groups to improve communication and resolve conflict in the workplace. EAO is familiar with both campus and community resources and can make referrals when appropriate.
Contact: eao@mailplus.wisc.edu.
UWSMPH/UWHealth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offices
UWSMPH/UWHealth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offices
SMPH, in partnership with UW Health and UW–Madison work to establish a systematic transformational approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The new joint structure directs a coordinated effort towards equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, MA, CDM is the UW Health Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity and Equity Transformation.
Contact: Annette McWilliams AMcWilliams@uwhealth.org
Emotional Wellbeing Resources for UW-Madison Faculty and Staff
Emotional Wellbeing Resources for UW-Madison Faculty and Staff
Provides a grid of offices & contacts that UW-Madison faculty can utilize when struggling with emotional wellbeing.
See also our page on Wellbeing.
UW Health Contacts
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UW Health Provider Services
UW Health Provider Services
Serves dual-employed providers (faculty physician, APP, resident/fellow) by assisting in resolving workplace issues. The office provides information and support based on applicable policies and practice, offers professional development training and interventions, and conducts quality improvement investigations involving providers.
Contact: Cory Geisler, Vice President for Provider Services at cgeisler@uwhealth.org
Medical Staff Affairs
Medical Staff Affairs
Administrative arm for UW Health’s practicing physicians, which comprises more than 50 accredited specialty and subspecialty programs. The purpose of this office is to: (1) monitor and be responsible for the quality of medical care in the hospital; (2) recommend to the Board of Directors the appointment or reappointment of applicants to the medical staff of the hospital, the granting or limiting of clinical privileges, and other actions affecting members of the medical staff; and promote clinical education and research. For issues and questions related to a provider’s privileging and credentialing, this office should be contacted.
Contact: uwmedstaff@uwhealth.org or (608) 263-6601.
UWSMPH/UWHealth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offices
UWSMPH/UWHealth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Offices
SMPH, in partnership with UW Health and UW–Madison work to establish a systematic transformational approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The new joint structure directs a coordinated effort towards equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, MA, CDM is the UW Health Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity and Equity Transformation.
Contact: Annette McWilliams AMcWilliams@uwhealth.org
UW Health Human Resources
UW Health Human Resources
Serves the full-service human resources needs related to nurses and other UW Health staff member.
Contact: (608) 263-6500 Monday-Friday, 7:30am-5pm or submit a help ticket at the HR Help Desk.
Campus Reporting Tools
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UWSMPH How to Report a Concern (link)
Informal and formal conflict resolution approaches are provided per situation and organized by reporter role (Student/learner, Staff, Faculty, Anonymous).
UW-Madison Bias, Hate and Student Mistreatment Reporting Tools (link)
UW Madison Bias, Hate and Student Mistreatment Reporting Tools
Use these forms to report incidents of bias, hate, or mistreatment. These forms are NOT police reports. Reports may be submitted anonymously; however, anonymous reports may limit the University’s ability to respond to the incident.
Campus Policy and Guidelines
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UW-Madison FP&P 8.15. Grievances of Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty Members (link)
FP&P 8.15. Grievances of Faculty Members
FP&P Section 8.15 describes the process for hearing and processing events of tenured/tenure track faculty mistreatment. For more information about FPP, you may want to consult the Secretary of the Faculty.
Contact: sof@secfac.wisc.edu.
Review all of FP&P Chapter 8 for an outline of the rights and responsibilities of University Faculty.
UW-Madison ASPP Chapter 7 Employment Problems: Informal Resolution and Grievance Procedures for CHS and CT Faculty (link)
Policies regarding informal resolution and grievance for Academic Staff (CHS and CT track) faculty. For more information about ASPP, you may want to consult the Secretary of the Academic Staff.
Contact: soas@soas.wisc.edu.
UWSMPH Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct (link)
UWSMPH Shared Guidelines for Professional Conduct
These guidelines were developed by members of the Building Community Shared Understanding Work Team to ensure that all of the members of our community act with the highest levels of respect, integrity and accountability—and according to appropriate ethical and legal standards—in their daily activities inside and outside SMPH.