Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Health sciences employees at UW-Madison can answers to questions about parking and transportation from the FAQ list below. For general inquiries and additional questions, contact the health sciences unit transportation coordinator:

Location: Health Sciences Learning Center (750 Highland Avenue), Room 1365
Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

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As a UW health sciences/UW Medical Foundation employee, how do I request parking?

Contact the health sciences unit transportation coordinator (UTC) at

What do I do if I can't remember my UW NetID and/or password for the Permit Application System (PAS)?

Forgotten UW NetID

Option 1: Contact the Health Sciences Unit Transportation Coordinator at, and you will receive your UW NetID for parking/transportation purposes only.

Option 2: You can also visit the NetID Account Modification page and select “Forgot NetID”, if you remember what your recovery email address.

Forgotten Password

Option 1: You can reset your password on the NetID Account Modification page by clicking “Forgot password” — you will need your NetID, your date of birth, and (if applicable) Wiscard number.

Option 2: You can call the UW-Madison DoIT Help Desk at 608-264-4357. Select option 1 and inform customer service you need your NetID password reset in order to access the UW Transportation Services Parking Application System. Then, visit NetID and Password Modification to change your temporary password.

How do I activate my NetID (new employees)?

Email with “Need Campus ID” as the subject line. The Campus ID Number will be emailed to you.

After obtaining your Campus ID Number, visit the My NetID website to activate your NetID. Enter your Campus ID Number and your date of birth to complete this step.

Be sure to keep a record of your NetID login and password.

How are campus parking lot assignments made?

Assignments are made based on a parking score and priority number. The calculated for prioritization takes into account compensation and years of service.

What commuting alternatives exist around Madison and the campus area?

Free Madison Metro bus passes are available to UW-Madison health sciences and UW Hospital and Clinics employees. UW Medical Foundation (UWMF) employees are eligible for a free bus pass; refer to U-Connect for more information.

Biking, walking, commuter vanpools and remote park and ride lots are alternatives available for all employees. Bike lockers and bike cages are available for rent. Visit UW-Madison Commuter Solutions for more information.

How much does it cost to park on campus?

How do I pay for a parking permit?

Campus parking permits are valid from September 1 to August 31. All faculty, staff, UW Health and UW Medical Foundation (UWMF) employees who park on campus must reapply for parking every year. Payment options are:

  • Monthly post-tax payroll deduction from September through August
  • Pay in full by either cash, check or credit card.

Agency staff, emeritus and individuals in a zero-dollar pay status are required to pay for their parking in full by either cash, check or credit card.

Monthly deductions start in September and run through August.

Can I apply for parking at any time throughout the year?

Yes. Annual permit assignments are made during the summer and must be claimed by early August. After initial assignments are made, new customers can apply for parking anytime throughout the year. New parking requests are processed and assignments made every two weeks through a “bi-weekly spin” from September through May of each year.

Can I apply for more than one lot?

Yes. It is encouraged applicants initially apply for the maximum of four lots, since many campus lots are highly requested, and are therefore difficult to get into. Applicants who accept an initial lot assignment can apply for one additional lot and be placed on a waiting list until an offer becomes available.

Is there a map showing locations of campus parking lots?

See the campus parking maps on the UW Transportation Services website.

How do I contact UW-Madison Transportation Services and where is it located?

Transportation Services has offices in the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) building, the UW-Madison Welcome Center and American Family Children’s Hospital.  View Transportation Services location and office hours information. Contact Transportation Services at 608-263-6667 or

How do I cancel my parking permit, bus pass or bike locker/cage?

It is your responsibility to return all permits and notify UW Transportation Services if you terminate employment or no longer want your assignment.

Cancelling an annual base lot, flex or park and ride assignment will result in the cancellation of all parking applications and wait lists for the current year. Cancellation is based on the date the products (permit, bus pass or bike locker key) are received by one of the UW Transportation Services locations.

Refunds or payroll deduction cancellations will not be processed until the product and the completed cancellation form (PDF) are returned to one of the Transportation Services offices.

Note: Payroll deductions are not eligible for refund.

My work schedule is changing. How do I change my permit for my new shift?

Employees switching from evening/night shift to day shift:

Contact your unit transportation coordinator,

If you no longer need your afternoon or night permit, you may return it to one of the Transportation Services locations.

Refunds or payroll deduction cancellations are not processed until the permit is returned to one of the Transportation Services offices.

Note: Payroll deductions are not eligible for refund.

Employees switching from day shift to evening/night shift:

Afternoon and night permits are available; more specific permit information can be found on the Transportation Services permit page. You can purchase one of these permits through the Transportation Services e-Business Portal or by visiting one of the Transportation Services offices.

You must bring in your base lot permit to one of the Transportation Services locations to exchange it for an afternoon or night permit.

If my base lot is full, what are my options?

If you have problems parking in your assigned lot due to construction, snow problems or illegally parked vehicles, you should park in the next closest non-gated parking lot. You must report the problem as soon as possible through the lot full form. You will need the following information:

  • Your license plate number
  • Your assigned lot number
  • Lot number where you parked
  • Reason for relocation

The Lot Full form is accessible in the “Quick Links” area on the Transportation Services homepage.

What do I do if I forgot my permit today?

Annual permit holders are eligible to receive a maximum of three temporary parking permits per parking year. Each temporary permit may not exceed one day. You can pick these temporary permits up at any of the Transportation Services offices.

What do I do if my permit is lost or stolen?

Lost or stolen permits must be reported through the UW Transportation Services lost or stolen permit report form (PDF). Replacement costs apply.

What options do I have when I receive a parking citation?

You have two options when you receive a parking citation on the UW-Madison campus:

  1. Pay the citation, or
  2. Appeal the citation if you believe you received it in error

You can pay or appeal citations online through UW Transportation Services.

Does UW-Madison have an emergency ride home program?

Yes. University employees who do not drive to work and need to leave due to an emergency can use the Campus Emergency Ride Home program.