The branding process used by Building Community Communications Committee involved several creative sessions and consultation with three focus groups of faculty, staff and students.
Insight from the focus groups was pivotal: In a “beautiful failure,” all four initial name concepts fell flat, although a tagline emerged as a winner through candid and productive discussions: Every person. Every action. Every time.
Panelists consistently urged the importance of being bold, pragmatic and even edgy. They also expressed gratitude for the inclusive and participatory process.
A second round of suggestions yielded a winner: Building Community. As Dean Golden mentioned in his new year’s message, “This name is a call to action for each of us to examine the ways we can build a more inclusive, collegial and respectful community. For me, it will become a mantra as I go through my day: What can I do in my own actions and decisions to create a consistently inclusive community in our School of Medicine and Public Health?”
We hope you will adopt Building Community as your mantra, too.