Health sciences schools hold inaugural multicultural learners reception

Under the theme “You Belong Here,” the Schools of Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, and Medicine and Public Health held their first health sciences multicultural learners reception on Oct. 23. The gathering was dedicated to creating a space where faculty, staff, students and alumni — particularly those from underrepresented and diverse backgrounds — can come together to build meaningful connections and support one another.

The gathering was held at the School of Nursing and included opening remarks, breakout stations, and appetizers and refreshments.

Leaders from all four schools spoke about the importance of diversity, inclusion and belonging in fostering future leaders, as well as celebrated recent accomplishments related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“The inaugural health sciences multicultural reception was a wonderful time to be in community with each other,” said Ryan Tsuchida, MD, SMPH assistant dean for multicultural affairs for health professions learners and assistant professor of emergency medicine. “It was inspiring to see new connections being made and old friendships re-kindled. The opportunity to bring folks together from the schools of nursing, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and medicine and public health was a shining example of breaking down silos, promoting interprofessional connection, and creating and supporting our Badger community.”

Anyone interesting in learning about future events can contact

Attendees talking at You Belong Here reception
Attendees talking over food at You Belong Here reception. The event was dedicated to create a gathering space for faculty, staff, students and alumni from diverse backgrounds.
Ryan Tsuchida speaking at You Belong Here reception
Ryan Tsuchida, MD, SMPH assistant dean for multicultural affairs for health professions learners and assistant professor of emergency medicine, addresses the crowd at the event. Leaders of all four health sciences school discussed the importance of diversity, inclusion, and belonging in advancing future leaders.
Attendees standing at You Belong Here reception
Attendees networked at the You Belong Here reception, which was hosted by all four health sciences schools.

Photos by Sally Griffith-Oh, creative manager, School of Pharmacy