Multiple resources exist across UW–Madison and UW Health for Muslim employees in observance of Ramadan, as well as those who work with them. The Islamic tradition of Ramadan will be taking place from March 10 to April 9, 2024.
- UW–Madison Housing shares information about its Dining & Culinary Services.
- UW Health shares information on its snack and meal offerings (requires UW Health login or VPN to access).
- The Associated Students of Madison organization has developed a map of reflection and prayer spaces on campus.
- Located in Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) Room 3367, the SMPH Four Seasons Multifaith Space is a space for health professions learners for private prayer, peaceful reflection, meditation and healthy quiet time.
- For information on university policies about religious observations, see UWPPP Policy 16.05 – Religious Observances and UW-880 – Religious Observances (Academic).