2023 west campus parking assignment issue information

Accept new parking assignment by August 1

Due to an internal error at the School of Medicine and Public Health, incorrect SMPH parking priorities were sent to UW–Madison Transportation Services. Offers received on July 13 are invalid and assignments for most west campus lot were re-run; new, correct offers were sent July 24. If you received a parking assignment from UW–Madison Transportation Services on Monday, July 24, you must accept it by Aug. 1. Those who fail to accept an annual base lot or Flex permit offer by the Aug. 1 deadline will have to submit a new parking application and may end up on a waitlist.

Impacted lots

Parking applications for annual base lot and Flex permits in lots 60, 74, 75, 76, 82, 95, and 131, were re-run with the correct information to address the error. If you received an offer for any of these lots on July 13, you have been impacted by this issue.

Who is most impacted?

This information is for everyone on the west part of the UW–Madison campus, including the School of Medicine and Public Health, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, School of Veterinary Medicine, Waisman Center and UW Health.

NOTE: Students who applied through the “student parking process” were not impacted. Individuals in this group received a specific message from Transportation Services on July 24.

By Aug. 1: Accept new assignment

Those who received a new, correct parking offer and want to accept it must do so by August 1. Check your email for a message from Transportation Services (transportation@fpm.wisc.edu) dated Monday, July 24 to see if you received an offer. 

  • Even if you already paid for the assignment you were sent on July 13.
  • Even if your new assignment is the same as the one you received on July 13.

Spread the word

Engage your team or colleagues to alert them of this issue, particularly those who have been or are out of the office.

Where to go with questions

  • Contact Transportation Services customer service at customerservice@fpm.wisc.edu or call (608) 263-6667.
  • Log in to Transportation Services’ eBusiness portal to see if you have a permit waiting for purchase. A 2023-24 permit in “issued” status means you do not need to take further action. If not, you need to accept a new offer if you received one on July 24. Contact Transportation Services with questions.