New Faculty Orientation welcomes 2022 new faculty members

On Sept. 20, approximately 100 new faculty members gathered at The Edgewater Hotel for the annual New Faculty Orientation event.

The event began with a resource expo with representatives from 25 programs (Expo Guide). Following a lunch buffet, new faculty heard remarks from 10 School of Medicine and Public Health and UW Health leaders. A highlight of the day was an Ask Me Anything segment that featured small group discussions with early career faculty who answered questions about being a faculty member. The successful event concluded with a reception where new faculty were able to further connect with their new colleagues and network with UW Health and SMPH leadership. The event included faculty from basic and clinical sciences departments in the school.

At the reception, new faculty were able to build community and find future potential collaborations.
Madison fall weather allowed for socializing outdoors.
At the reception, new faculty had the opportunity to get to know each other, as well as school administration.
School leaders introduce themselves to new faculty.
School leaders eat food from the lunch buffet
School leaders mingle with attendees at the buffet line.
New faculty talking with each other seated at tables.
New faculty had the chance to connect with each other at New Faculty Orientation.