SMPH Human Resources recently learned that UW–Madison is able to provide a central compensation fund program for the 2022-2023 year. This was announced recently to all UW employees via this message. The campus strategy includes an allocation of more than $28 million total to support schools, colleges, and divisions in rewarding and retaining faculty and staff, as well as assisting in addressing compensation issues uncovered by the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) Project.
This year, there are a number of different funds available to allocate central funding for pay increases. While the available resources are exciting, they will unfortunately not allow all deserving staff and faculty to be recognized at this time.
Funds Available for Limited, Academic and University Staff |
Funds Available for Faculty |
Eligibility requirements for employees are similar as in previous years:
- Faculty and staff must have completed their sexual harassment prevention and cybersecurity training
- Supervisors must be current with their employee performance evaluations
- Employees on a probationary period or evaluation period are not eligible
- Rehired annuitants are not eligible
- Employees with documented performance issues are not eligible
Each school/college has been charged with developing and making available a formalized process and timeline for using this central funding for selected faculty and staff. SMPH has received its allocation, and SMPH HR is reviewing the approach for optimal utilization of these programs and developing processes and guidelines for their use.
On Wednesday, June 22, SMPH HR sent a message to department and other unit leadership asking that they begin to think about those employees who represent the very highest priority in terms of recognition of outstanding performance and retention risk. Additionally, it told department and unit leaders that they should encourage supervisors to begin their summary performance evaluations, which will be due August 15, 2022.
In the coming weeks, more information will be provided on the school’s detailed processes and guidelines for these central compensation fund programs.