For the School of Medicine and Public Health Community
Photo essay: Research life in SMPH
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On Tuesday, Sept. 21, Pathum Karunaratne, media specialist at Media Solutions, captured photographs in the lab of Assistant Professor Darcie L. Moore, PhD, in the Department of Neuroscience to depict research life in the school. After only a brief pause at the start of the pandemic, research in SMPH has been continuing safely now into the fall 2021 semester.
Assistant Professor Darcie Moore, PhD, talks with members of her lab in the Department of Neuroscience. The lab studies mechanisms that stem cells use to create the asymmetric segregation of cargoes, to identify what other components are segregated, and to use this knowledge to improve stem cell aging. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media SolutionsZachary Ziemba (left), a graduate student in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Program, and Zachary Arndt, research intern, perform experiments at the bench. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media SolutionsAn ice bucket and lab notebook sit on a bench in the Moore lab. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media SolutionsBo Peng, an MD/PhD student in the Medical Scientist Training Program, uses a touch sensitive display to trace neuronal axons, while Moore watches on. Peng is in the Moore lab completing her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media SolutionsResearch intern Payton Klosa (left) meets with Peng and Moore to discuss data analysis. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions