Call for applications: Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies

The school is seeking candidates from among its current faculty for the position of SMPH Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies. Qualified candidates are invited to apply for this key leadership role. This individual will succeed Richard L. Moss, PhD, who plans to step down from this position on December 1.

All applications received by October 24 will be given full and equal consideration. The position description is below.

Interested candidates should submit:

  1. A letter of interest: The letter of interest should briefly summarize their relevant experience for this position, their strengths and skills that they will bring to the position, their vision for the position, and how this position aligns with their career goals.
  2. A current CV: The submitted CV should highlight experience and scholarship relevant to leading and directly managing day-to-day activities in the areas of basic research, graduate studies, and industry relations.

Submit applications to:

Kim McFarlane, Human Resources Business Partner:

Send questions to:

Allison Golden, Chief of Staff:

Position Description for Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies

Degree and area of specialization:

Ph.D. (or equivalent) or M.D.

Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience:

Major qualifications include a successful record of productive leadership in research and education in the basic sciences, as well as success in major administrative leadership roles in the basic sciences (i.e., associate dean or department chair) and a commitment to enhance excellence in basic research, pre-doctoral and post-doctoral education, and industry collaborations. Experience as a successful faculty member within a basic science department is strongly preferred.

Must be current SMPH tenure track faculty member able to devote at least 80% of their time and effort to this position.

The Senior Associate Dean must have the ability to articulate the School of Medicine and Public Health’s vision and goals to diverse groups including faculty, staff, students, private sector partners, and government officials.

The successful candidate must have a commitment to encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration among members of the faculty, both within the School and within the University.

The Senior Associate Dean must also have a commitment to exploring and fostering collaborative opportunities that exist in partnerships with scholars and private sector leaders within the local, national, and international scientific communities.

Position Summary:

The Senior Associate Dean for Basic Research, Biotechnology, and Graduate Studies at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health is responsible for the leadership and direct management of day-to-day activities in the areas of basic research, graduate studies, and industry relations. These specifically include responsibilities for: administration of the basic science research functions in the School; services to graduate students, post-doctoral learners, and research fellows including, but not limited to, recruitment, financial support, graduate student counseling, oversight of the Medical Scientist Training Program, and professional development; administrative policy development; academic policy development and administration in the areas noted above; research facilities development (analysis and planning related to both new construction and remodeling projects); budget development and administration for the areas noted above; and oversight of the health sciences’ animal care and radiation safety programs.

This position reports directly to the Dean of the School of Medicine and Public Health and works closely with the School’s Senior Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Finance to ensure all areas and functions are managed in accordance with the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of the School’s strategic plan. The Senior Associate Dean is a leader at SMPH who actively engages in school-wide initiatives that support accreditation, strategic priorities, and building an inclusive, equitable, and respectful working and learning environment.

The School of Medicine and Public Health has a deep and profound commitment in diversity both as an end in itself, but also as a valuable means for eliminating health disparities. As such, we strongly encourage applicants from candidates who foster and promote the values of diversity and inclusion.

Principal duties:

    • Oversight of partnerships and industry engagement:
      • Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) board
      • Bioforward
      • Isthmus Project
      • Orion
      • German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
      • Wisconsin Technology Innovation Initiative (Wi2)
    • Research program development and oversight
      • Human Genomics and Precision Medicine
      • Genomics Driven Precision Medicine in Oncology
      • Program for Advanced Cell Therapy (PACT)
      • WPP leadership group; Chair, Partnership Education and Research Committee
    • Basic science research facilities and space management
    • Leadership recruitments and retentions
    • Research Center oversight, including supervision of center directors
    • Collaboration with school and university leaders
      • Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
      • Senior Associate Dean for Finance
      • ICTR Leadership
      • Associate Dean for HR
      • Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education
    • Full participation as a member of the Dean’s Leadership Team
    • Special projects, e.g., participate in planning of the combined UW Health/SMPH capital campaign

Number of individuals supervised: 25

A period of evaluation will be required