On Wednesday, Sept. 15, Pathum Karunaratne, media specialist at Media Solutions , captured photographs of the bustling Ebling Library , located in the Health Sciences Learning Center. With the fall semester in full swing, students are busy studying in the beloved quiet space and staff are working hard to assist students.
Students Samantha Gallo (left) and Alexander Kaminski study together in Ebling Library. Like the rest of the UW–Madison campus, masks are required in Ebling. Hand sanitizer is readily available as well. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions
Ebling Library is bursting with colorful tomes filled with valuable information for health sciences students, staff, and faculty, as well as quiet and comfortable spaces for study. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions
Student Tim Winfree utilizes the technology at Ebling Library for his studies. Computers are readily available for everyone. Ebling staff are always ready to assist anyone with finding resources, such as reference books and technology, as well. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions
Several students study in Ebling Library in full view of a beautiful late-summer day outside. Large windows in the library provide views of scenery and ample natural light. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions
Anna Erickson (left) and Morgan Paul study at a table on the landing right outside Ebling Library, a popular spot to take in the background noise of the HSLC Atrium below. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions
Ebling Library is located on the second and third floor of the Health Sciences Learning Center. Many patrons navigate there using stairs from the HSLC Atrium. Elevators are also available. Photo credit: Pathum Karunaratne, Media Solutions