The below message from Hope Broadus, JD, associate dean for human resources, was shared with all SMPH employees on Wednesday, Sept. 8.
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for engaging with the numerous HR initiatives currently taking place on our campus and across the UW System. At this time, the Title and Total Compensation Project needs our full attention. As you are aware, the university is in the final stages of implementing TTC, which will result in new job titles for all staff (faculty and student worker job titles will not change). Our records show there are many across the school who have not fully completed their part in the process.
This Friday, Sept. 10 is the deadline for HR Business Partners to upload new position descriptions for every staff member in SMPH, which must be based on the standard job descriptions that are part of TTC. This means that supervisors and employees need to have their conversation about job title, finalize the position description, and share a signed copy with their HR Business Partner as soon as possible.
At the end of the day on Sept. 10, SMPH HR will be locked out of the system and unable to upload late position descriptions.
If you are a staff member and are unsure of the status of your position description or have not had your conversation with your supervisor, reach out to them or your HR Business Partner to inquire. If you are a supervisor and have questions about this process, reach out to your HR Business Partner. They stand ready to assist with any needs and questions employees and supervisors may have. The TTC Resource Library also has useful information to help with employee conversations.
Thank you for your partnership in meeting this deadline.
Hope Broadus, JD
Associate Dean for Human Resources
School of Medicine and Public Health
University of Wisconsin–Madison