Top news:
- Please join an all-school virtual meeting on June 15 at 4:30-5:30 p.m. titled “SMPH Planning for a New Approach to Diversity and Equity Transformation.” The meeting will focus on a new leadership structure approach for our school in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- Final reminder: hear artists talk about their work tomorrow at Ebling Library’s Breaths of Fresh Air: Corpus Callosum Artists Talk about their Work. The event will be held virtually on Tuesday, May 18 from 4-5:15 p.m. Hear your colleagues talk about their paintings, poetry, musical pieces, photography, and graphic art. To get the Zoom link, register here
- First-round applications for fall parking permits opened today, Monday, May 17 through June 25, followed by Round 2 applications July 19-August 3 and Round 3 August 4-17. Anyone (including current permit holders) wanting to obtain parking beginning September 1 must apply for a 2022 permit. Current permits expire August 31. Read more and apply. Email questions to
- Registration deadline approaching: SMPH Medical Education Day will occur on May 27 at 8:30 a.m. as a virtual event featuring keynote speaker Cynthia Nebel, PhD, of Vanderbilt University. The event is open to all SMPH faculty and staff and will feature professional development opportunities, engaging workshops and oral presentation sessions that highlight education initiatives and innovation. Read more and register by May 19.
- The transition to Single Payroll begins in July. “Single Payroll” means that all employees in the UW System will be on the same payroll schedule. If you are currently paid monthly, you be paid every other week beginning in July. Please review the transition timeline and understand how this will impact your paycheck amounts and payroll schedule. Recordings are available of past town halls. Read more
- View this week’s Quick Links, with valuable information for all personnel, as well as information for researchers and clinicians.
Building Community: Examples of Excellence
- Two students affiliated with SMPH earned Graduate Student Service Scholarships from the Graduate School. The awards recognize and honor the graduate students who volunteer to take on service roles in addition to their research, work, and family obligations. The SMPH awardees are: Talia Cohen, clinical psychology PhD student in the lab of Mike Koenigs, PhD, professor in the Department of Psychiatry; and Joshua Mitchell, PhD student in the Integrated in Biochemistry in the lab of Deane Mosher, MD, professor of biomolecular chemistry and medicine, and trainee on the Hematology Training Grant. Read more
Building an Anti-Racist SMPH
- A webinar for public health learners and professionals on March 18 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. will feature Indigenous leaders from across the country who are centering re-Indigenization, a process intended to promote community healing that centers the distinct social and cultural experiences of American Indian people. Learn more and register
- View upcoming events relating to anti-racism and/or diversity, equity and inclusion topics at UW–Madison and beyond.
Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories. Submit your thoughts and we’ll share them in a future issue.
Workplace Wisdom
On Thursday, May 20, celebrate and promote diversity and inclusion in technology by participating in the 10th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day. The purpose of GAAD is “to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than one billion people with disabilities.” Read more from DoIT