Timely information to help build community within SMPH:
Resources for everyone
- Vaccination updates from UW–Madison and UW Health: On Jan. 19, Wisconsin Department of Health Services announced that individuals age 65 and older are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, starting as soon as January 25, 2021.
- Web resources to note:
- Department of Health Services information for Wisconsin residents: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/covid-19/vaccine.htm
- Public Health Madison & Dane County information for Madison/Dane County residents: https://publichealthmdc.com/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine
- UW—Madison / University Health Services information for university employees and students: https://www.uhs.wisc.edu/medical/covid19vaccine/
- UW Health information for patients: https://coronavirus.uwhealth.org/covid-19-vaccine/
- UW Health (for UW Health and dual UW Health/SMPH employees) on U-Connect: https://uconnect.wisc.edu/clinical/references/infection-control/infection-control/emerging-pathogens/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/vaccine/
- University Health Services has sent notices to about 1,800 members of the campus community who are age 65+ to invite them to make appointments to be vaccinated. It may be several weeks before vaccine supply is available to everyone authorized to receive it.
- Individuals age 65+ may also seek vaccine through their health care provider. For instance, UW Health has a new online form that individuals can complete at uwhealth.org/vaccine to express their interest in receiving a vaccine and to be considered for same-day appointment openings, should those occur.
- The next group of vaccine eligibility begins March 1 and includes childcare and education (including campus child care centers and faculty and staff in higher education settings who have direct student contact), people enrolled in Medicaid long-term care programs, some public-facing essential workers (food supply chain, utilities and infrastructure workers, etc.), non-frontline health care essential personnel, and facility staff and residents in congregate living settings (not including university residence halls or co-op housing).
- Current resources for clinical personnel on the U-Connect intranet include talking points to use with patients/callers; staff FAQs; and patient FAQs. Recordings of two vaccine Q&A sessions from last week are also available on U-Connect.
- Web resources to note:
- Safer Badgers/COVID-19 Testing updates: Testing sites are now in their third week of operation. Please review:
- Enforcement of Badger Badge restrictions related to university building access will be delayed from Monday, Feb. 1, to Monday, Feb. 8.
- Beginning Thursday, Jan. 28, the Health Science Learning Center (HSLC) sitewill be temporarily closed in order to modify the site’s configuration. Nielsen Tennis Stadium site or any other site can be used during the closure. The HSLC site is scheduled to reopen Feb. 15.
- Please review the Jan. 27 message to employees. Those with instructional or mentoring responsibilities may review today’s message to graduate and professional students and undergraduates.
- Safer Badgers app:
- In addition to the iOS version released previously, the Android version of the Safer Badgers app is now available in the Google Play store.
- If you installed the beta version of the Android app, you must follow these instructions, or you will lose any negative test results obtained through the app and your badge will reset to “building access denied” until you record another negative test.
- how to test successfully: 1) hydrate early in the day, and rinse your mouth with water 1 h before testing, 2) in the 60 min prior to your test, no liquids, food, gum, toothpaste, smoking, etc. (NPO in clinical terms), 3) “pool the drool” under your tongue as you approach the test site. A 1-min video demonstration is available.
- University Health Services is seeking additional staff for test sites. With supervisor approval, employees can dedicate some of their paid working hours as voluntary COVID-19 Health Technicians
- Candidate visits are occurring in the search for the Chair of the Department of Neuroscience and Chair of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology. A schedule of visits and presentations is available on the Leadership Search Candidate Visit page.
The next Global Health Tuesday webinar titled “What’s Next For COVID-19?” will be offered by the UW–Madison Global Health Institute on Feb. 23. The institute’s director Jonathan Patz, MD, MPH, and Professor of Pathobiological Sciences Kristen Bernard, PhD, MS, DVM, join Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences Ajay Sethi, PhD, MHS, in a discussion about lessons learned from COVID-19 and preparing for the next pandemic. Read more and register
Call for abstracts for the annual Global Health Symposium (on April 14). “Fostering Resilience Through Indigenous Wisdom & Scientific Knowledge,” which is co-sponsored by the Native American Center for Health Professions, will bring together a diverse set of speakers, and we hope to UW and community faculty, staff, clinicians and students will submit virtual poster presentations. New this year: A student (undergraduate, graduate, professional) poster contest with $500 scholarship prizes. Deadline for submitting an abstract: Feb. 15. Read more
- Midpoint employee performance conversations (for the time period of July 1, 2020-December 31, 2020) should be completed no later than February 19, 2021. Midpoint conversations are for all full- and part-time (non-faculty) academic and university staff and limited appointees who are not within their evaluative (probationary) period. See PDMP resources for more information.
- Professional development opportunities: Several upcoming continuing education opportunities are available through UW–Madison Office of Human Resources.
- Bystander Intervention: Stepping in with Care and Confidence
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Skills and Strategies
- Understanding Your Experiences and Identities
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Skills and Strategies Cohort
- Exploring Identities and Bystander Responses to Create Inclusive Workplaces Cohort
- Fully Prepared to Lead: Professional Development Planning
- Connect, Learn, and Grow: Goal Guidance: Expert Answers To Your Burning Questions
- The Department of Employee Trust Funds will begin distributing employees’ Jan. 1, 2021 Wisconsin Retirement System Annual Statement of Benefits in April, after 2020 account data reconciliation processes have been completed. The statement is a summary of an employee’s year-end WRS retirement account information. To learn more about the WRS Annual Statement of Benefits, watch this ETF video or visit the My Statement of Benefits web page.
- Deadline approaching: The Center for Urban Population Health, which is affiliated with SMPH, UW-Milwaukee, and Aurora Research Institute, is recruiting for a new director (40% position). The deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2021. Read more
- Deadline extended to Jan. 31: The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking artwork to illustrate a special issue on the impact of race and racism on the health of people in Wisconsin. Works in the following media are invited: photography, digital design, or well-rendered photographs of painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, or textile/fiber art. WMJ is a peer-reviewed, indexed journal owned jointly by SMPH and the Medical College of Wisconsin. Learn more
Resources for researchers
- Request for Proposals – Approximately $600,000 available SEED funding: Discovery to Product and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education are seeking proposals for grants through the State Economic Engagement and Development research program. SEED grants allow faculty and academic staff with ownership in a Wisconsin company to engage in innovative research, generate additional private and public sector support for their research programs, and promote technology transfer between the university and industry. Deadline: Feb. 15, 2021. Learn more
- January is national mentoring month and a 10-episode podcast series on mentoring is being released, based on a National Academies report chaired by Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, Professor, Department of Medicine. Tune in
- Abstracts in original adult and pediatric emergency care research for the 29th annual Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum are due Friday, Feb. 5, 2021. Read more
- The February CHI2 Informatics Seminar on Feb. 11 at 11:00 a.m. to noon titled “Access All of Us Research Program Data” features Dorothy Farrar-Edwards, PhD, professor of kinesiology and medicine and All of Us co-PI and Kelsey Mayo, PhD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center sharing researcher engagement activities through the All of Us Research Program and the Researcher Workbench. Read more and download a flyer, and Register
- UW-Madison’s virtual 2021 Data Science Research Bazaar will occur throughout February on the theme Data Science for the Social Good. Read more
- The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education is hosting a Research Forward initiative to stimulate and support highly innovative and groundbreaking research at the UW–Madison. A cover sheet with a 300-word abstract was due December 21, 2020. The complete proposal is due February 1, 2021. Maximum funding award $500,000. Read more
Resources for medical educators and clinicians
- January is national mentoring month and a 10-episode podcast series on mentoring is being released, based on a National Academies report chaired by Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, Professor, Department of Medicine. Tune in
- Save the Date: SMPH Medical Education Day will occur on May 27, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. as a virtual event featuring keynote speaker Cynthia Nebel, PhD of Vanderbilt University. The event is open to all SMPH faculty and staff and will feature professional development opportunities, engaging workshops and oral presentation sessions that highlight education initiatives and innovation. Registration and agenda will be announced in mid-April. Read more
- All faculty and staff are invited to submit proposals for Medical Education Day Oral Presentations. These will be brief 10-minute, virtual TED-style talks that highlight medical education research, initiatives, or innovations. Oral Presentations will occur during breakout sessions at Medical Education Day. Submissions are due by March 10, 2021. See here for more details and to submit a proposal.
Call for Dean’s Teaching Award Nominations:Nominations are being accepted through March 1 for the 2021 Dean’s Teaching Awards, to be presented at Medical Education Day. These peer-selected awards were established to honor outstanding contributions in student education in medical school programs. Any individual having a significant impact on the education of medical, graduate, professional, or undergraduate students in SMPH programs is eligible for nomination, except for previous recipients. Nominees should have a minimum of three years of teaching or educational experience. More information and the nomination form can be found at http://www.med.wisc.edu/mededday
- For clinical researchers: Abstracts in original adult and pediatric emergency care research for the 29th annual Wisconsin Emergency Medicine Research Forum are due Feb. 5, 2021. Read more
Upcoming Events: Anti-Racism and/or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- SMPH Spring 2021 Initiative: Advance Health by Acting Against Racism. A new webpage for this initiative serves as the one-stop-shop for our anti-racism events this spring, as well as others on campus and resources for further learning.
- SMPH presented a Martin Luther King, Jr. event on Friday, January 15, 2021 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. featuring a talk and Q&A with Tito Izard, MD, President and CEO of Milwaukee Health Services Inc., an independent not-for-profit Federally Qualified Health Center. Watch the recording
The Boston University School of Medicine is hosting a series of virtual events Feb. 8-12 to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Rebecca Lee Crumpler, who in 1864 became the first Black American woman to earn a degree in medicine. The series will feature prominent Black women leaders from throughout academic medicine speaking on topics that include “Building a Different Future,” “COVID and the Black Community,” and “What is Possible: Stories From Trailblazing Healthcare Leaders.” CME credit is available for some sessions. Learn more
- Native American Center for Health Professions Distinguished Lecture series: The first talk in this spring 2021 series will occur on Feb. 19 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with a presentation titled “Menominee’s Journey to a Culture of Health” by Jerry Waukau Sr., Tribal Health Administrator, Menominee Nation, and Wendell Waukau, MA, ES, Superintendent for Menominee Indian School District. Download a flyer (PDF) and RSVP
- A lecture on unconscious bias in medicine titled, “Who, Me Biased? The Reality and the Solutions to Unconscious Bias in Medicine,” will be held on March 9, 2021 from noon-1:00 p.m. with Narjust Duma, MD, assistant professor (CHS), Department of Medicine. Dr. Duma’s research is focused on understanding the challenges faced by underrepresented groups in medicine, improving the diversity of our medical workforce and the effects of unconscious bias in medicine and medical education. This lecture is hosted by the Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute and The Alliance of Women Alzheimer’s Researchers in Wisconsin. Register.