Top news
- The UW–Madison 2020 Diversity Forum this week attracted more than 5,000 registrants, including many people from our school community.
Reflections from SMPH attendees (stay tuned for more over the next few issues):
“I was only able to attend 3 sessions due to my schedule but they were very inspiring and enlightening. Finding a balance between action and self care was a big takeaway.” —Cathy
“The simple concept of impact over intent. I have been attempting to have conversations with family members about racism and privilege, and it’s not going well. This could be a key point in the conversation.” —Meredith Rhodes
Did you attend the forum? Send us your thoughts, and we will include them in an upcoming issue of In the Know. Submit insights using this form.
- The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking volunteers to add to our pool of highly qualified reviewers. Reviewers are sought for all medical specialties, and there is particular demand in the areas of oncology and infectious disease. Reviewers are invited to review manuscripts electronically and are asked to submit reviews within 3 weeks. WMJ is a peer-reviewed, indexed journal owned jointly by SMPH and the Medical College of Wisconsin. Sign up here
- Vaccine trial recruitment resumes: UW received approval on Friday, Oct. 23 to reopen its clinical trial of AstraZeneca’s investigational COVID-19 vaccine. The trial should officially resume next week. Learn more
- Over the past two weeks, University Health Services has observed an increase in employee case counts and employee test positivity rates. Contact tracing suggests that most individuals appear to have contracted the virus through activities and events in their personal lives. UHS director Jake Baggott, MLS, FACHA, urges specific actions that employees should take. Read more
- View this week’s Quick Links, with valuable information for all personnel, for researchers, and for clinicians.
Building an Anti-Racist SMPH
Anti-Racism Tip:
Avoiding hate symbols and language. When designing a logo or picking an acronym, there is a lot to consider. One aspect is making sure it avoids resembling hateful symbols or language. The Anti-Defamation League has a database to help.
- View upcoming events relating to anti-racism topics at UW–Madison and beyond.
Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories. Submit your thoughts and we’ll share them in a future issue.
“Christopher Hanson has been a long term, dedicated support person for audio-visual services at the HSLC. The instructors in the Body in Balance (BIB) Course benefit yearly from his work as we have gradually moved to a curriculum that is based upon videos and now on distance education. Last spring I asked for help developing a computerized animation to teach medical students about ventilation/perfusion matching and mismatching in the lungs. Chris has worked steadily on this over the past months through 8 or 9 versions. We were able to roll out this module to the Phase I students this fall. He has done this despite heavy demands on his time moving BIB and other courses to distance learning formats. Chris, grazie mille!” – Christopher Green, MD, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics