In the Know: SMPH Updates for August 24, 2020 

Top news: 

  • Final reminder: The SMPH HR team will offer two sessions about Smart Restart for supervisors and managers this week. They will occur on August 25 (tomorrow) from 10:00-11:00 a.m. and August 28 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Webex information is below. Note that the university’s Office of Human Resources is hosting similar sessions for supervisors but the below are SMPH-specific.

Session 1 of 2: Tuesday, Aug. 25, 10 a.m.

Meeting number: 120 239 8206
Password: 8zzMPNxyu63 (89967699 from phones)

To join by video system dial

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

To join by phone dial +1-415-655-0001 and use access code 120 239 8206

Session 2 of 2: Friday, Aug. 28, 1 p.m.

Meeting number: 120 023 1300
Password: 7N32MumZpBU (76326869 from phones)

To join by video system dial

You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

To join by phone dial +1-415-655-0001 and use access code 120 023 1300

  • Reminder: Call for nominations — 2020 University of Wisconsin-Madison Outstanding Women of Color Awards. A total of 1-2 nominations will be submitted by the Dean’s Office. To submit a name, please fill out this form by August 31. 


  • Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date. Submit your thoughts and we’ll share them in a future issue.

“Thank you to Educational Program Coordinator Carol Aspinwall and the rest of the administrative team in the Department of Medical Physics for their dedicated contributions in providing a well-organized and informative Virtual Student Orientation to our first-year graduate students this week, as well as providing exceptional support to all the department’s students, faculty and staff as we prepare to begin the fall semester.” – Kristina Weaver, MBA, Department Administrator, Department of Medical Physics

Telecommuting tip: 

  • Taking on the deluge of video calls: Video meetings and calls are the norm for both our professional and personal lives in the time of telecommuting and physical distancing. Read tips from experts on tackling “Zoom burnout.”

 Staying strong & supporting one another:  

  • AAMC seeking stories and poetry from health care professionals: In partnership with StoryCorps and the National Endowment for the Arts, AAMC is taking short written and oral stories on experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic and racism and persistent inequities in America.