Top news:
- The UW School of Medicine and Public Health Virtual White Coat Ceremony is this Friday afternoon. All are welcome to view the livestream on the SMPH Facebook page starting at 3:00 p.m.
- UW–Madison has released new campus policies relating to events and meetings. Separate policies pertain to 2020-21 academic year events and meetings conducted by schools, colleges, and divisions, and events and meetings conducted by registered student organizations.
- Updated: Several campus virtual information sessions about Smart Restart occur this week:
- a session for Graduate Students on August 19, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
- a session for Students of Color on August 19, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
- an all-campus / all-community session hosted by Chancellor Blank on August 21, 9:00-10:30 a.m.
- Reminder: Call for nominations — 2020 University of Wisconsin-Madison Outstanding Women of Color Awards. A total of 1-2 nominations will be submitted by the Dean’s Office. To submit a name, please fill out this form by August 31.
- Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date. Submit your thoughts and we’ll share them in a future issue.
“Since March, Dave Downing has been handling incoming deliveries of packages and mail for WIMR I and II with little to no student help. He makes sure packages make the designated floors. Tanner Tenpas, Russ Taylor, and Barry Schoenike have taken time away from their own responsibilities in their labs to sort those packages and send emails to the appropriate labs notifying them of deliveries and any special handling requirements. Our department consists of three floors and we have had very little problems receiving deliveries thanks to all of these individuals. Thanks so much everyone!” — Susan Krey, University Grants and Contracts Specialist, Department of Neuroscience
“I’d like to recognize the Biomedical Computing Group (BCG) in the Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics for all the troubleshooting they have been doing to help all the faculty/staff during the pandemic! Their efforts are much appreciated! Thank you for all you do!” — Kelly Miller, Data Coordinating Center Research Program Manager, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
Telecommuting tip:
- Protect the privacy of virtual meetings: In a remote environment, it’s important to safeguard internal, sensitive, and restricted information discussed during meetings just as strongly as you would during meetings held in an office environment. If your telecommuting office space has a door, close it when appropriate and use headphones or earbuds to prevent conversations from being overheard by others. Always follow guidelines about how to handle different categories of data.
Staying strong & supporting one another:
- Access to the arts: The Overture Center for the Arts has an online resource for experiencing and supporting the arts during the pandemic. Topics include “on demand fun for everyone” and “ideas and events for parents and caregivers.”