Top news:
- Dean Golden spoke to Wisconsin Health News about actions needed in Wisconsin so the state can be in a better position with regard to COVID-19. He also gave an overview of research and medical education efforts in SMPH during the pandemic.
- The Wisconsin Medical Journal (WMJ) is seeking faculty candidates to serve as its next Editor-in-Chief. The WMJ is an indexed, peer-reviewed journal published through a collaboration between the Medical College of Wisconsin and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Previous experience as an editor or associate editor is preferred, as is prior editorial board experience. This is a volunteer position that averages 4 to 6 hours per week. Deadline: August 30, 2020.
- Dr. William R. Hartman of the Department of Anesthesiology penned a positive and heartfelt op-ed that was featured in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Dr. Hartman is the principal investigator for the UW COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Program here at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.
- Reminder: The UW-Madison Global Health Institute is hosting a webinar series on COVID & Equity that brings together campus, community and international voices to consider lessons learned from the pandemic and how we move toward a more equitable and sustainable future for all. Sessions will occur 9:00-10:00 a.m. on July 30 and August 20 and 27.
- Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories in future issues. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date.
Telecommuting tip:
- Make scheduling video meetings easier: The Outlook FindTime add-in can be a valuable tool as it allows you to insert a scheduling poll into the body of any email. Once consensus is reached, FindTime automatically schedules the meeting on everyone’s calendar. See more on Outlook add-ins at this DoIT KB article — please note that DoIT can only offer basic support. Tip courtesy of Benjamin C. Tiller, JD, Director for Contracts.
Staying strong & supporting one another:
- There’s still time to get your Well Wisconsin incentive: Those enrolled in the State Group Health Insurance Program can earn a $150 incentive for completing certain activities designed to maintain or improve health. Since on-site biometric screenings have been canceled due to the pandemic, the program has added other options for completing the requirements before the October 9 deadline.