In the Know: SMPH Updates for July 22, 2020

Top news:

  • Due to demand, an additional book and movie discussion of Just Mercy has been added for 4 p.m. on July 30. The discussion will be led by Elizabeth Petty, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Tracy Downs, MD, FACS, Professor, Department of Urology and Associate Dean for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. Register here for the session. If you are interested in being notified when new book discussions are offered, please sign up here. For more information, see the Building Community/Ebling Library Book Club website.
  • Reminder: The UW-Madison Global Health Institute is hosting a webinar series on COVID & Equity that brings together campus, community and international voices to consider lessons learned from the pandemic and how we move toward a more equitable and sustainable future for all. Sessions will occur 9:00-10:00 a.m. on July 23 and 30 and August 20 and 27.


  • Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at and we’ll share the stories. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date. Stay tuned for more!


“I’m extremely grateful for the quick and friendly support that the Orthopedics IT support team has provided my research group. On top of getting the clinical side of the department up and running with remote clinical capabilities, Ken Fanta, Zack Goin, Nick Neumann, and Tom Lenz have all helped my research group stay productive while we work remotely. Thank you so much from the Biomechanical Advances in Medicine (BAM) Lab!!”Joshua Roth, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation


“Our Rural and Urban Scholars in Community Health (RUSCH) program is a key SMPH pathway program for select talented undergraduate students interested in becoming health care professionals that are passionate about public health and about serving the needs of underserved individuals and populations in rural and urban communities. A longstanding hallmark feature of the program is an intensive immersive on-campus summer research opportunity for participants. With COVID-19, RUSCH director Melissa Harrell Robinson and her team quickly transformed this important summer experience to an amazing and vibrant virtual experience. Last week the student participants presented their summer work and insights. I was so impressed with their outstanding presentations! I am so grateful for the wonderful top-notch virtual summer program that Melissa put together with the help of Yer Lee and Vera Tsenkova, one of our students – a former RUSCH alumni – other staff and multiple faculty that engaged with students over the summer. RUSCH rocks, thanks to Melissa’s great leadership!”Elizabeth Petty, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs 

Telecommuting tip:

  • Finding ways to reduce your screen time: This article from the Harvard Business Review has multiple ways to cut down on how long you look at a screen during the day. Tips include how to take tech-free breaks, move around, write out notes and plans rather than typing them, and more.

 Staying strong & supporting one another: 

  • In case you missed it, the Terrace at Memorial Union is open: By making a reservation and following public health guidelines, you can enjoy the Terrace. See how to get your spot and their new hours on their website.