Many UW-Madison researchers and research administrative staff have questions about how to deal with grant interruptions, delays, or flexibilities due to the pandemic and temporary closure of facilities. The NIH has a very informative webpage dedicated to FAQs. All federal agencies understand what is going on, but may have less thorough information than NIH. If you find your question is not addressed on the agency’s website, it is advisable to email the Program Officer, copying your Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) accountant. The medRAMP Grants Office has posted links to major funding agencies for administrators and researchers to find information on how to deal with grant interruptions, with the last bullet directing you to agency guidance that RSP has also provided. The medRAMP Grants Office has also posted a list of available COVID-19 funding opportunities and grant program announcements from a variety of federal and non-federal agencies to support coronavirus research on their website. This list is updated frequently.
RSP also has different sponsors’ COVID-19 information posted on their website.