April 16, 2020 COVID-19 SMPH Update

  • This afternoon, it was announced that the State of Wisconsin Safer at Home Executive Order has been extended. The extension will be in effect until 8:00 am on Tuesday, May 26, 2020.
  • View the agenda and submit a question for the April 27 Faculty/Staff Town Hall starting at 4:30 pm. The meeting will be conducted via Webex. 
  • Change in frequency of SMPH COVID-19 Updates: Due to a lower volume of operational announcements related to COVID-19, starting tomorrow (April 17), this email series will be shifting from a daily weekday message to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 
  • Call for additional summer research mentors: Additional opportunities are available for faculty and staff mentors for MD students participating in Shapiro summer research programs, as well as other summer research opportunities. Mentors engaged in research projects that can be conducted remotely should contact Vera Tsenkova, PhD, Director of Health Professional Student Research.

Other news:

  • Creating a video for an online effort? A new Video Best Practices tip sheet is available from SMPH Media Solutions with information about lighting, technology, setting, and more. Media Solutions offers video support on fee-for-service basis, including editing self-captured video files.
  • Please review and cancel unneeded room reservations in HSLC and WIMR: If you have a room reservation in Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC) or Wisconsin Institute for Medical Research (WIMR) affected by the campus cancellation of non-essential in-person campus events and meetings through June 30, please log into the room reservation system and cancel your booking. To inform safety and security efforts, we need to maintain accurate reservation records.


  • Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at go.wisc.edu/shoutout and we’ll share the stories. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date. Stay tuned tomorrow for more!

“A big thank you to the Wisconsin primate center staff, from the leadership to animal caretakers, as well as technicians, pathologists and operations and IT personnel. These wonderful, dedicated human beings risk their own safety to look after animals and people. They make our remote work possible and are the silent partners in the scientific race against COVID19.” – Marina Emborg, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Medical Physics

“A huge shout out to all of the anesthesia personnel working hard this week (including Dr. Karrl Willmann and all anesthesia faculty, anesthetists and residents who worked this week) to make sure the operating rooms continue running smoothly, as well as covering for airways and other emergencies. Great job to all with the transition to the new schedule!” – Sara Strom, CAA, Anesthetist and Clinical Instructor, Department of Anesthesiology

Telecommuting tip:

  • Web conferencing tools simplified: There are several web conferencing tools available to UW–Madison faculty, staff, and students. This KnowledgeBase article from DoIT makes simple user-oriented recommendations for common web conferencing uses.


Staying strong & supporting one another: