April 3, 2020 COVID-19 SMPH Update

  • An online memorial for Dr. Beth Potter and Robin Carre will occur on Sunday, April 5 at 6:00 pm. Information about how to join the memorial is below. The family has also set up a website to share your remembrances and photos.

Option 1: Join via Zoom from your computer or smart phone:

(1) Follow this link or cut and paste this URL into your browser: https://zoom.us/j/868290160?pwd=UUU5WHBGdHpneU5yc09lY2I4YVhadz09

(2) Enter password (required): 008009

If you are new to zoom, please refer to this guide.

 Option 2: Join by telephone: 

 If calling from the USA:

Dial +1 253 215 8782

Enter meeting ID: 868 290 160

Enter password: 008009

**If calling outside the USA, find your local number at https://zoom.us/u/acDt5rDKoX. Use the same meeting ID and password indicated above for USA callers.

Additional information:

  • The Spring SMPH Faculty/Staff Town Hall will occur on April 27 at 4:30 pm in virtual format. An agenda is forthcoming.


  • Please send kudos about your colleagues. Honor someone at go.wisc.edu/shoutout and we’ll share the stories. Visit this page to see a collection of shout-outs to date. Stay tuned next week for more!

“The Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease and Research Center and African Americans Fighting Alzheimer’s Disease in Mid-Life offers free, year-round day and night exercise classes for our participants and the Madison community, with Venus Washington as instructor. The classes have run for three and a half years. With the spread of COVID-19, it was no longer safe for large groups to meet and exercise together. In conjunction with student interns from the Department of Kinesiology, Venus came up with several on-line options available to class participants. Dr. Carey Gleason is providing loaner Chrome books for participants who don’t have the necessary technology in their homes. Hats off to Dr. Carey Gleason for providing the technology so that our participants, a majority of whom are elders, can get movin’ and keep movin’ in the safety of their homes.” – Fabu Carter, MS, senior outreach specialist, Department of Medicine and Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center

“A HUGE thank you to Dr. Elizabeth Petty, our Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Our students and staff are lucky to have her coordinating and overseeing our safety. She has worked tirelessly – long days and weekends – for the past four weeks coordinating student curriculum going online and staff working remotely, along with all of her regular duties. Her dedication and commitment are inspiring. Her first concern is always ‘how are YOU doing?’ — her continuous care and compassion are a stabilizing constant in this time of change. Thank you Dr. Petty — you are appreciated!.” – Susan Jeannette, Program Assistant, Academic Affairs


  • Ebling Library has created COVID-19: Special Access to Online Resources, a list of online resources that many publishers and content providers have temporarily unlocked to support remote research, teaching, and learning during this period of disruption. Also note that Ebling Library staff is fully available to support teaching and research and to provide help with accessing resources, ILL, online instruction, historical background on pandemics, etc.

 Staying strong & supporting one another: 

  • While it’s important to stay informed, a “digital detox” can help reduce stress: Use reliable media sources and try to limit exposure to excess news. In the evenings, for example, it could affect sleep quality.